[DAO:c5751a8] Update #2 for proposal "Enhancing "Exodus: Goodbye World" ( Revision and Resubmission )"

Author: 0x5117571b0bec00372ce00870ad8e523c704a78b7
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


The Exodus team continues to make great progress towards the objectives of the grant. This month, the team completed and released the farming skill, as well as prepared and released the (ongoing) Exodus Easter event. The team has transitioned now towards the implementation of the Farming skill, which is the next primary goal of this grant. Outside of the scope of the grant, the Exodus team also pushed a major update towards the Exodus Combat experience.


The month of March was primarily focused on the Exodus grant’s first major content initiative, the Farming skill. The Farming skill consists of 12 uniquely designed plants that users can passively grow while earning produce and experience points. The player’s farming produce will ultimately be useful in many aspects of Exodus, include next month’s potionmaking skill. The skill comprises over 40 hours of potential content and can be played passively while enjoying other aspects of Exodus.

The Farming skill was released today on March 30 in-game and will be available to anyone who visits the game. For the next week, this will also be accompanied with the Exodus Easter event, which offers a collaborative experience for players as well as wearable skin reward that can be earned by participating.

In addition to the Farming Skill and Easter event, Exodus pushed an update to its combat system, which included 5 new mobs of monsters that can be fought for special rewards and drops. While outside of the scope of the grant, the Combat release is a major release for Exodus and will help create a more immersive and complete player experience.

Our user stats for the period of March 1 - March 30 were:

  • 1553 Total User Sessions
  • 2007 Total Play Hours
  • 9 peak concurrent users

While our user count was somewhat lower than the prior month, we attribute this to the lack of an event for the time period (since Easter is currently active and not contributing to our user count). We will continue to report our user stats month-by-month as well as event-by-event.


We had no blockers

Next steps

The next month Exodus will be focused on the completion and release of the potionmaking skill, which will build on the recent farming skill.

We will release uniquely designed potions that are crafted from the farming produce earned by players in our farming skill. We intend to release the skill towards the end of April.

Additional notes and links

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