[DAO:a07a381] Update #4 for proposal "Enhancing "Exodus: Goodbye World" ( Revision and Resubmission )"

Author: 0x5117571b0bec00372ce00870ad8e523c704a78b7
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


The Exodus team continues to make progress towards the objectives of the grant. This month, the team released the Potion Making skill, which was the most recent major feature from the proposal. The team has transitioned now towards the implementation and release of the Multiplayer Resource Gathering feature as well as the Pet Skins feature, which are our next major objectives.


The month of May focused on releasing the Exodus grant’s third major content initiative, the Potion Making skill. With the Potion Making skill, we released 12 uniquely designed potions that users can mix and create while playing. Importantly, the ingredients for the potions can be acquired by playing the Farming skill that we released last month for the grant. All farmed materials can now be ground up into powders and mixed to create new potions. In total, the Exodus team has released over 40 new assets ranging from potions to potion ingredients.

In addition to the Potion Making Skill, Exodus continued preparation for its next content releases, pet skins and multiplayer resource gathering. We have created cosmetic skins for our 6 skilling pets that will be earnable in-game upon release. We are currently in the stage of integration and preparing the feature for release. We have also made good progress towards the multiplayer resource gathering experience, which will enhance the current state of resource gathering within Exodus. We have planned for the Multiplayer Resource Gathering to be our next released content, as it is the farthest along as well as most impactful to gameplay.


We had no blockers

Next steps

Our next major initiative will be focused on releasing Multiplayer Resource Gathering. This was originally planned to be released after the Pet Skins feature, but after deliberation with our team management, we decided it was more impactful and better for our players to move forward with our resource gathering feature first.

In addition, we are making preparations for our next grant-supported event, the Exodus Birthday Bash! We look forward to sharing more as the event approaches.

Additional notes and links

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