[DAO:c046e33] A Book to introduce DCL to Chinese People, Lift DCL Fame & Open the 1.4B Market

by 0xd750c200b1009cf4232532ac8d676a7cb790c974 (Isabela)

Should the following Tier 4: up to $60,000 USD, 6 months vesting (1 month cliff) grant in the Community category be approved?


Support a book called “The underlying logic of the metaverse” to use DCL as the specific user case, which DCL will cover at least 80% of the content and 80% of the pictures according to any metaverse use cases. The goal of this project is to introduce DCL to Chinese public messes, lift their interests in DCL metaverse and take the largest market in the world to DCL virtual space.

Grant size

58,500 USD

Beneficiary address


Email address



This project is to support a Chinese book called “The underlying logic of the metaverse”.

The book will be published in Chinese for the first edition. It will be targeting to Chinese public masses. The aim of this book is to introduce one of the best true metaverse in the world and provide a comprehensive perspective to public people to truly experience and better understand the metaverse. The book will be published by China Machine Press (CMP), one of the top publishing houses in China.

The book will use a specific metaverse project/platform as a user case. As this project is proposing here, the user case will be DCL. The book will not only bring people to experience the city, streets, lands, buildings, avatar, wearables, arts, events, moving, seeing, acting etc. in the new world, but also teach people to understand the underlying logic of FT, NFT, DAO, smart contract, governmental token, DeFi, P2E etc.

This project will benefit DCL in many aspects, at least including:

  • Reach 1.4 billion people who are mostly clueless but eager to know about metaverse;
  • Lift DCL industry fame world-widely;
  • Open a permanent and high-quality channel to absorb new user steams;
  • Lay the foundation of people’s understanding in DCL as the most classic metaverse in the world;
  • Much more potential opportunities in the future.

To fulfill this task, we need your supports on the grant to cover part of related expenses including Team compensation, operational cost, expert consultation fee, publishing cost, etc.


What we have done:

  1. We have entered a contract with China Machine Press (CMP) to publish “The underlying logic of the metaverse” within 6 months. CMP is a very classic, famous, and popular press established in 1952 in China. It’s one of the largest comprehensive science & technology publishing houses in China. After publishing, CMP will promote the book by their own broad channels such as Tiktok, Dangdang, jd.com… as well as various offline resources. BTW, Dangdang is the largest online bookstore in China, much more famous than Amazon, locally speaking.
  2. This book will be co-published with Shenzhen Software Industry Association which has 4,000 IT company members. The SSIA will also promote the book using their association networks.
  3. We have outlined the first level of the catalog. It contains seven chapters. This framework has been reviewed and accepted by CMP and kind of fixed.
  4. We have got the promise from CMP to receive the CIP and ISBN before the end of 2022, as long as everything goes within expectation.

If this grant is approved. We promise:

  • DCL will be the main example for metaverse in the book;
  • DCL will be the only user case in the book to guide the readers;
  • DCL will cover at least 80% of the content of the book user case;
  • DCL will cover at least 80% of the images/pictures of the book user case;


About us
We are a national certified high-technology cooperation based in Shenzhen, mainland China. We are specially working on blockchain and AI technology projects, such as metaverse related or web3 dAPPs.
Company Name: DarkChain Technology Inc.
Local Name: 暗链科技(深圳)有限公司
Official site (https://dachainrk.io/)
ICP Filing#: 20063712
Phone: +86 400 8808991
Phone: +86 (0755) 86544107
Wechat Public Service Account ID: DaChainrk
Email: contact@dachainrk.io


  • Team compensation: $33,500 USD
  • Operational cost: $11,000 USD
  • Expert consultation and review fee: $2000 USD
  • Publishing cost: 12000 USD

Roadmap and milestones

Nov – Framework, Bootstrapping the book writing

  • Outline the content framework;
  • Prepare writing team and assign works to team members;
  • Arrange operational works.

Dec – Chapter 1, 2, 3

  • DCL Expert consultant;
  • Finish the writing of chapter one to three;
  • Get CIP or ISBN number from CMP;

Jan – Chapter 4, 5, 6

  • Finish the writing of chapter 4 to 6;
  • Revise Chapter 1, 2, 3;

Feb – Finish writing & revise

  • Finish the writing of the rest & revise all;
  • Expert review & preface;

Mar – Press review & Publish

  • Submit to press for review, revise as needed;
  • Operational works;

Apr – Waiting for publish & promote

  • Waiting for publish;
  • Cooperate with CMP and SSIA for promoting;
  • Promote on official website, WeChat public service account and other channels.

Normally and hopefully, we will get the book published before the end of April, 2023. The book will be available on our site and on our partner’s channels. We will also arrange with DCL to make it available on verse, and give DCL member discounts.

If everything goes smoothly, we will be very happy to work with DCL to add deeper content in from the 2nd edition.

I absolutely appreciate your support very much here!

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Hey awesome proposal. Can you tell little more about yourself, your Highlights ? Are you long time in Decentraland ? How you see Decentraland in 10 years ?

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  1. You are making a claim. Can you Guarantee that?
  1. Do you have experience selling books before? If so, how many have you sold?
  1. Is this for a professional publisher? SSIA has 4000 IT Company members. Are you claiming it will be distributed to them? Frankly, I am not sure how many company members they have matters. Where did you get $12,000 from for publishing costs?
    What is this operational cost? Are we paying you to write the book?
  2. Most books that are not best-sellers are money pits (I was an author myself and have had my own book published). Even if you have great content in there. It’s all about the marketing and getting your book out there. Can you explain to me how you believe if 80% of the books content is Decentraland related, how someone who doesn’t care about Decentraland, is now going to want to read about it?

@web3nit And you feel its ok to vote on your own proposal?

Hi, my own ?! It’s not mine.

@web3nit I apologize. I thought I saw that. However, then may I ask the reasons you are voting in favor of this?

Hey @isabela, I can’t tag you because it appears you haven’t signed into the forums and made your account yet.

I think the idea of a book or literature to help onboard people, especially through case studies or through more of a scientific angle is great, but I feel 60k is too much for something like this, for that I have voted NO.

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Thank you for your comment. I’m a senior director and project leader of Darkchain Tech. I’ve been working in this area for more than 10 years. Before that, I graduated from NYU, New York with my PhD degree.

I’ve been in DCL not that long, but not so short either. What I see the future of Decentraland is pretty positive, though the current situation looks a little bit confusion.

On tech side, the whole metaverse industry has its limit now. The hardware part is not well prepared yet, including the computing power, the bandwidth, the VR devices. But people are working hard on them, and they become better and better everyday. The blockchain backbone is still unmatured. Ethereum is updating to a new form and improved a lot, however, it also turns back to centralization which the founding team has the vast majority mining power. That future is unknown, but it will not affect DCL very much, since DCL is working on another layer.

On social side, people need to be educated. Before people understand metaverse, the percentage of pro is below the con. That’s the current situation. However, the good thing is they are eager to know, even with suspicion. We are talking about the majority of people, not the majority of users here. The difference is that the former look into the real value, the latter look into something else a little bit more. DCL has a time advantage. It takes the leader position at this moment in metaverse virtual space industry.

The key point for DCL is to output real value, if you want to discuss the 10 year prospects. Gaming is not that real value, but it has its own loyal market. I don’t think DCL should shift itself like The Sandbox, a new form of game platform under the metaverse name. DCL should stick on metaverse. It needs time, not only for the construction of itself, but also to wait for the construction of underlying infrastructure.

Can you share the data behind this?

Can you explain what area you are referring to? I never heard of your project and not sure what a senior director does and what type of projects Darkchain does. Your job is to explain that experience to me as someone with VP power.

How many years do you think it will take, and why do you think it is smart to release this book now, when you seem to be under the assumption we have a long way to go? Personally I believe by 2026 according to data by META which they believe 80% of U.S. Households will have VR headsets by then and are subsidizing the hardware to get adoption.

This seems like a large sum of money to publish a book. I would feel more inclined if you sought a smaller grant, proved that you have a use case, and then ask for an amount this size.

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Thanks for these questions and sharing your own consideration @Tudamoon . I appreciate your interest and serious very much. I think that’s great for DCL community!

The key point is that this is not a job of writing a book by an individual. It’s a company project. That’s totally different. As an individual, you are handling everything. And even you are good at writing, you are hardly to be good at other key insights and capabilities, eg. social psychology or marketing. That’s why for an individual the success is very low comparing to a company.

I’ve been in IT area, especially for blockchain and AI technology for more than 10 years. I have 13 blockchain patents granted and one under reviewing. They are all public information on China Patent Office site as well as in the shared international patent database. Just search the corporation name “暗链科技(深圳)有限公司” or “DarkChain Technology” (I’m not sure if the English name works) and the first inventor is me. As a senior director, I’m leading a group of people to fulfill the company’s projects, which is basically what I do. The group includes engineers, scientist, technologists, assistants, etc. The company also provide supports on marketing, law issues, and other professional helps.

This project of publishing “The underlying logic of the metaverse” is one of projects that my group is taking in charge of. The project is well prepared on the publishing side. We are kind of cooperate with CMP. Their leader for this project, Bin Wang, is a very senior Editor-in-Chief. He has published a couple of books in 2022 talking about metaverse. Please refer to the following pictures.

I don’t think you may know more about how to successfully publish a book and get more people like it than Editor Wang.

As already mentioned, unlike an individual project, the success of this project is almost guaranteed. And that requires us to put a lot of resources. The asked grant is only for covering a partial expense, not including the assistant helps and the professional helps from the company level.

When I’m saying success, I refer to getting published. For the real Influence, frankly, we cannot guarantee any physical number, it is not realistic. I believe the market size is intuitively understandable for anyone. And publishing the book is entering the door of that market. Before that, all are zero. And it’s very important to understand that the success depends on our efforts, I mean ours. I and my group will do our best. We are paid to do it, including I’m typing these words here. We have liabilities, or we lose our job. But you should also do your jobs, show your supports. The process has a one month cliff which will protect your trust. We will show our achievements periodically.

This is a win-win cooperation. We construct trust from this.

Thank you all very much for you time and with very best wishes.

i do not want to discourage this because content like this is needed , voting no for now i just feel 60k is a bit much for this

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I’m going to make one more try after this session end. The application amount will be decreased to 1/3, ie. 20k. Thank you very much.

Even 20K seems a bit too much, after doing a bit of research on book publishing costs, I was able to find several places all indicating more or less the same budget break down.

In the U.S.
The average cost to publish a book falls within the $200-$2500 range and includes publishing costs such as cover design, editing, formatting, and book printing. Some budgets can range from $500-$5000 currently. I’ve seen in China the cost is usually 40% less than in the U.S. or Canada.

Every book goes through a mandatory censorship process overseen by the Chinese state. We do not have any information about the examination criteria, nor do we receive feedback on whether a book gets accepted or rejected. If you’ve waited on your book for more than 6 months, it is possible that the title was rejected. We also do not receive any explanation on why a book gets rejected.
Even if your book goes through the censorship process successfully, it is possible that the store will still not display it. The stores’ editorial teams reserve the right to select books they feel will be popular with their audience.
Unfortunately, due to the process described above, there is no 100% guarantee that your book will be published. However, we encourage you to enable Chinese distribution to see what happens.

Can you provide details on how marketing and content restrictions in China would be handled?

Amazon’s KDP program is free for publishers.

A Book to introduce DCL to Chinese People, Lift DCL Fame & Open the 1.4B Market

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 6% 134,735 VP (12 votes)
  • No 94% 1,891,598 VP (45 votes)

This is true for your guys, not for us. No offense. Just the fact of local vs global advantages. As in the project we had already said, we use our resources to guarantee the book will be published. They will be displayed on the most popular online and offline bookstores and book markets. Publishing is only a part of the work, it also includes after-publish promotions. For DCL, that’s the real promotion. We will also do the further DCL Chinese community developing.

If you guys have any problems about publishing books on Chinese market, we may help, published guaranteed.

I will apply the same proposal once more with 1/3 asking amount. 20K could only cover a small part of the overall expense. But it will gain a big deal, a huge notice and enormous attentions, massive interests, extensive market and unlimited possibilities.

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Thank you for clarifying!