by 0x2ae9070b029d05d8e6516aec0475002c53595a9d (CheddarQueso)
Greetings community,
I think it would be a good idea to have a verified list of linked wearables, including official links to each collection. The page can be added or be similar to the Decentraland Studios registry. Please let me know what you think. Thank you.
Thanks @HPrivakos… please correct me if I’m wrong but this list does not include official links to the collection, and is not easy access for decentraland visitors.
It would be cool to promote and provide easy access for those who come in contact with Decentraland to see the NFT collections the community has chosen to partner with, especially during events like MVFW. I think we should do the same for L1 wearables. I know there is a list of which ones qualify… but an easy access list of official Decentraland wearable collections (especially those that award VP) would help boost secondary sales of these classic wearables. Does the DAO get any royalties from the resale of certain collections?