[DAO:a397ef6] Make All the Top Charted NFT collections 3D linked wearables skins and helmets in Decentraland

Haha thanks @HPrivakos ! again 1. this wont cost the full 2M+ USD if the Ape team votes on there proposa which has been in the works for 4+ months and will go up for a vote soon as there entire team approves it, you may have missed that in that part while skimming the proposal. and 2. yes people love Waifumon NFTs why they are excited about the Waifumon and Waifumon gen-2 portion of this, but also they understand we need this future cashflow for Decentraland DOA if we want to keep growing the 74% of its revenue growth as i stated earlier. You are doing a great job reaching out to everyone with high VP telling them to not vote on this proposal so do not worry your efforts are not going unnoticed. However I still think you know this is the future of a new cashflow method for Decentraland DOAs by discounting bulk linked approval but also the future of pioneering the proof of concept of NFTs as a whole. Why i would love if you took me up on my offer on instead working together on cutting the costs on this venture by charging a lower rate on generation as you pitched. You have proven you have the knowledge and I have faith you also can execute it too. The quote I put is on my site can be changed however you like as soon as even within the hour. However if you are too busy I understand too. Thanks again.

I just voted "Yes! for this budget or alternative i put in comments " on "Make All the Top Charted NFT collections 3D linked wearables skins and helmets in Decentraland.

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Thanks so much @maraoz ! As said in the proposal and what I explained to everyone multiple times we are working with the Ape team to fund their portion so would not cost the DCL DOA 2.6M if that goes through. Also yes would love to do one collection at a time however logistically, we know that it will then sadly cost more since it wont be a bulk discounted rate. I defiantly will ask around and may be wrong but that is what I forecast based on our experince while hiring big as a team as this. Regardless, thanks so much as always and will def take you up on this.

I didn’t miss it, we cannot bet 2M+ USD on whether another proposal in another DAO pass or not.
Even if that (Ape) proposal pass, the 19 USD per NFT stays prohibitive in my opinion.
And we still don’t have a clear budget on how much that will cost.
We need two clear numbers:

  • How much will this proposal cost if the Ape proposal pass?
  • How much will this proposal cost if the Ape proposal doesn’t pass?

No turning around the pot, trying to hide the numbers through a huge proposal with numbers sparkled through it.

Thanks HP! Yes the budget is request is in the proposal. It has its OWN SECTION ,so don’t know how that is a way to “hide the numbers”. Not only is it in the proposal, you have mentioned it FOUR TIMES in these comments as well been spent your own time reaching out to whales to let them know. You have done an amazing job spread the word for us to everyone so def appreciate you all your help. For the 4th time i believe again there is a proposal for the Ape team to cover their end so it wont cost the Decentraland DOA anything for that portion of creation of BAYC, MAYC, BAKC, Meebits, CryptoPunks, ACAC, and ACPC.

So great news to you again you can vote YES on this and comment your contingency, that you voting YES, but if they do not fund it then you do not approve any budget from the Decentraland DOA going to creation of any of the molds. Or you can even vote YES and in the comments put your prefered budget in going to create the molds. That information as well is in the proposal if you missed it too. If you hover your mouse on the right side you can see, also here is a screenshot here in hope it helps.
Screen Shot 2022-10-06 at 5.41.04 PM

I hope this clears up the confusion and def stoked in any ideas you have how we can make this happen. That aside love your passion as always for the future of the Decentraland DOA as always and I def hope you never lose that. Thanks again!

Can you link to the budget part please? All I see is the “Why so cheap?” section, which doesn’t have clear numbers, only “19 USD per mold” and “we should charge 560M but we aren’t”.

  • How much will this proposal cost if the Ape proposal pass? (How much NFTs are not covered by their proposal and will need to be paid by the DCL DAO)
  • How much will this proposal cost if the Ape proposal doesn’t pass? (~140k NFTs or the 200k+ you are talking about in the Ape proposal?)

Right now your talk is:

We might or might not ask for 2.6M, we might or might not ask for less, we might have to do 140k linked wearables or we might have to do less

The proposal is very unclear, we want clear numbers!
How much money will you ask in both case (if the Ape proposal pass or not).
How much NFTs will you work on (if the Ape proposal pass or not).

thanks HP! haha bro I can’t tell if you are trolling me or not since you are answering your own questions within the question, but for the sake just in case you are not,

I will repeat what I said just in case.

Yes you are right that is the link again Make Top Charted NFTs 3D linked in Decentraland.

and here is the screenshots of its own section again.

You have several options as stated in this proposal:

  1. You can vote YES with no contingency for Decentraland DAO to pay for all molds and if Ape team passes that they will fund BAYC, MAYC, BAKC, CryptoPunks, Meebits, ACAC, and ACPC.
  2. You can vote YES with a contingency that only if Ape team passes and pays for their portion.
  3. You can vote YES with a contingency that only if the Ape team passes and pays for there portion and you also do not want Decentrland DAO paying for any of the 3D molds.
  4. You can vote YES with a contingency of an alternative budget you prefer to be paid for the 3D molds.
  5. You can vote NO that you don’t want any of the collections to be linked in Decentraland.

So in conclusion again you get to choose what the final budget is. I hope that helps bro and if not I def down if easier for you we can do a discord meeting and you can screenshare with me and I can show you how to scroll down and see this section in the proposal. Def let me know if there is anything I can do aside this to to clear this up since I could be wrong but I def think you agree on how big this can be for Decentraland’s future and my team and I are obviously willing to put in the work as we have been to make this happen. If not all is good and I appreciate your guidence because I know you are not alone and your questions are helping others as well. Thanks again.

This one need to be done as a linked wearable proposal, not as a governance proposal.

So if the Ape proposal pass, they will pay for 5 or 7 collections, meaning 5 to 7 collections would still need to be funded, but how don’t know how much actually, you proposed 19 USD per NFT but you are willing to hear other proposals.

Even if this is a pre-proposal/a poll, I still find it too unclear and not precise enough to vote yes, too much variables.
You should work on getting the Ape proposal passed first, then get the funds for the remaining collections as a grant, not as a governance proposal.

Thanks HP sadly I already tried that method and if you scroll up in this thread you can see I already explained why this preferred method by you and @Matimio did not work here: [DAO:a397ef6] Make All the Top Charted NFT collections 3D linked wearables skins and helmets in Decentraland - #41 by AaronLeupp

Also No it will not be 7 Yuga Labs collections.There is no request for DCL DOA to fund ACAC or ACPC. That is something that ApeCoin is requesting from us since I agree with them it will be beneficial not only for the NFT holders but also ApeCoin Holders as well. Decentraland DOA needs only to approve for them to be linked. If that Ape proposal does not pass then Decentraland DOA will not have to fund it nor will they have to link them sorry if that was unclear.

I laid the 5 options for you which are not “too much variables” they are only one option each. I am sorry if that also is still unclear or not precise I don’t know much more I can do lol.

Also Yes I have been working with the Ape team for about 5 months now as you can see and they are more extensive then us here at Decentraland DOA since have to get sign offs by everyone even before they are down to put it to a vote. Based on their feedback I forecast this will be going up for a vote next week or a week after. I do agree with you on pitching this after that passes however also stated in the comments earlier we forecast if this DAO proposal passes it will show Decentraland community excitement on making this hapen be additional encouragement for there team to vote yes and pass that through as well.

Thanks for that question tho for sure because I do agree there may have been some confusion from others as well on ACAC and ACPC.

Also Thanks again as always would love to try to show anything I can to vote even just YES on contingency of no funds from Decentraland DOA since I know you are the reason why whales have told me they don’t want to vote Yes since you have reached out to them and told them not to and would like to take this oppurtinity to show you any data I can to show this proof of concept could be the future of Decentraland DOA funds to keep it growing. If not all is good too bro it is worth the final ask. Thanks again for everything.

This proposal is so stupid that it hurts, and I would rather whatever waifu jpeg that’s meant for me for participating in this farce gets burned. I’m max bullish on linked wearables and think the legal/IP hurdles of this proposal make it unworkable, not to mention that there are already creators in DCL who have published creations based off of their IP (From holding jpegs from some of these projects) in the wearables marketplace. The goals set out are so lofty that I can’t see them being met, and then what happens with the money? Aaron, if you don’t see why this would make anyone think this is a scam, then I have no alternative but to assume the worst.

It’s just going to take a couple of baby whales who ate lead paint chips as children for this one to pass, and it’s so blatantly obvious that the promise of this proposal can’t be fulfilled. Maybe we deserve this.

Haha wow bro, thanks for your feedback or whatever you want to call this. Sorry you think this is “stupid” and people that vote on this “ate lead paint chips as children”, but there is literally nothing I can do to convince you other wise if you feel this right off the bat.

Also if you really feel “the goals set are lofty that I can’t seem to being met” then what do you have to lose by voting YES yes on this. It seems you are not familiar with the DOA escrow system or even this proposal since in it we mention we are requesting payments only after proof of work. So if your question is “what happens with the money” if nothing gets done the answer is nothing. Nothing gets sent to anyone until proof of work. Lastly again seems you skipped this portion of the proposal or didn’t read it at all since you were stoked to write flavorful insults as we mention in the proposal we have been reaching out and working directly with the collections themselves for the use of IP and can even see the link to the Ape team we been working with for the past 4+ months. Door is always open if anything I can show you to convince you otherwise based on our work we have already put into this, to turn your vote around, but if you were just here to try to insult our community, collection, and people that do believe this will be good for the Decentraland future then nothing I can do, and thanks for the laugh LOL.

Considering the fact that HPrivakos and I fundamentally agree on this one, you can miss me with the strongly implied “you must be new here” gate keeping, along with the waifu jpeg POAP. If you’ve got something that seems doable and is categorized correctly to vote on, I’d be open to the idea of providing a yes vote. This is still a hard “Invalid question/options” for me because of reasons that have already been explained by others in this thread, so your comment about not reading just smacks of projection.

This one’s going to get circular, so I’ll see myself out.

haha thanks bro. No one said “you must be new here” so don’t know who you are quoting, I think you may have not read and skipped over the my last reply again, so you can just reply again to throw out your last random zinger of “waifu jpeg POAP” haha.

@HPrivakos has been very helpful with his feedback and questions which even resulted and an in-depth breaking down of the voting options that many have been missed. I am still confused on exactly what your feedback, question or anything relevant you trying to communicate is so yes unless you change your mind and have any ideas on how we can make this to what everyone wants including yourself thanks for coming in with you random comedy bits, and if not all good thanks for seeing yourself out.

Guys how to vote? Says I need VP I have 0 n I’m new. I was able to get the voting page selection but wouldn’t let me vote yes due to 0. Pls someoen

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Hi I’m PikaDinoZilla from twitter I’m trying to vote and I’m new here says I have 0 voting power. Pls how to vote so I get the rare nft u posted on twitter . Thx u kindly

You need to have Voting Power (holding MANA, LANDs, Names or L1 wearables) before the proposal starts, you won’t be able to vote for this proposal.

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Yes we can!

Yes, yes, yes & YES!

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a) As mentioned by Yemel, submit each collection independently as linked wearables.

b) Show that you have the IP rights to create the linked wearables in question in Decentraland.

c) Restrict fund appropriations to the established Grants Framework

Thanks again @Matimio I think you may have skipped over my several reply’s to you but what you are for a) and c) requesting is not even possible I have tried and get this error. Here is a screenshot of it again in case you missed.
Screen Shot 2022-10-07 at 12.32.55 PM
also for b) I think you also missed that in the comments and proposal but that exactly what we been working on with the teams you can see the link to that as well in the proposal. Thanks again for trying to help and your feedback as always!

Thanks everyone that has voted! We got over 69 votes so far that have vote Yes and to me that is a great sign! All jokes aside not much I can do about the small few that have higher VP power that have not voted but it is ok I will continue until the end of this proposal expiration to convince others to vote the best I can. If it does not work out all is good we will know we did everything in our power to make it happen and was worth the work regardless of the outcome. Thanks again everyone for everything!