[DAO:a2746d4] Update #4 for project "In World Builder - No Code Game Creator"

Author: 0xc3e3d13d98b84e1808c4145355c0cade20a2fc98
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


In our fourth month, our IWB game creator teams were exceptionally productive, rolling out major updates that significantly improved the experience for both builders and players.


Our 3D team has expanded their portfolio by developing steampunk-themed assets alongside new anime-inspired designs. To date, we have completed over 150 highly detailed 3D assets, all of which are now available to the public on our GitHub for use.

New pathing system to move objects to multiple locations within a scene. Added NPC avatars that can be dressed with Decentraland Marketplace wearables. Added Audius integration to all IWB Worlds and Audius playlist option for scene creators to select their own Audius playlists to use in their scenes. Added scene load radius settings option to IWB scenes, allowing animations to trigger before a player enters the scene. Created message pipeline channel, allowing actions to be targeted towards a player, team, or all players in a scene. Added the ability to attach 3D assets to a player with options to offset the position, rotation and scale. Created global quest system, allowing creators to have their quests be restricted to a scene, an IWB World, or Global. We upgraded our existing In World Builder worlds with all of the new features from our Game Creator toolset, enabling the public to use them in their own builds.

Our Game Design team worked on ideas and designs for our pathing system, quest system, weapons options, scene rotation, and custom load radius for scenes.

Our User Interface and User Experience team has continued their work with coding and game design to provide a robust UI and toolset while keeping the game creator as simple as possible for creators to build their own gamified experiences.

Our QA and Testing team has been diligently working through our comprehensive QA script testing document, which contains over 1,200 test scripts that thoroughly evaluate a significant portion of the Game Creators’ features. This month, the QA team identified over 135 bugs, all of which have been documented in our Trello for the coding team to address and subsequently retested by QA


We do not have any known blockers at this time.

Next steps

Over the next month, our 3D team will finish creating anime themed 3D and animated assets, in addition to some new 3D UI assets. Our coding team will be working to implement leaderboards and weapon options, plus final bug fixes for issues identified by QA. Game design and User Experience teams will continue working with our coding team to design the best functionality and flow of our new game creator features. QA will finalize bug testing for our full launch of our Game Creator.

Additional notes and links

Helpful links
Game Creator 3D Github

IWB Game Creator 3D Assets

In World Builder - Coding Github

In World Builder - Bug Reporting Q&A Trello

IWB Game Creator Flow Charts

Game Creator MVP UI Elements

Game Creator QA Test Script

QA - Processes and Procedures

Budget Spreadsheet

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