[DAO:805cdd6] Mute button instead of "Mods"

by 0x37f00ec67d68c2d3c662339c183d37403c36f28e (AaronLeupp#f28e)

Should the problem/opportunity outlined be refined and taken to the next level?

Problem Statement

How about instead of creating more on payroll trolls :moneybag::troll: with on going montly costs of these “Mods” we all know are just going to use DAO funds to abuse power and censor everyone that they dont agree with as we seen in the past.

Proposed Solution

Why dont we just creaete a Mute button inside the fourms, Decentraland and Discord.

Target Audience/Customer Base

I know you all not americans here but there is a reason why we made Freediom of Speech the 1st amendment.

Why is this relevant now?

I also will refrian from placing a bid to ease compition on this catigory since it is a simple solution. Thank you.

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Make sense but mods will always be needed to clean up some stuff so new users don’t come in and see a cess pool


haha well your definition of “cess pool” is subjective. I think everyone should right to mute all what they define as “cess pool” while they while also everyone should have the right of freedom of speech.

I agree, but there still a need for moderation to combat straight negativity. Which should maybe be a malgamation of ai for key words and speed and unbiased humans for more under the radar stuff. I feel I’m the most unbiased person here but maybe I’m tooting my own horn and want a wage from dcl too much XD

haha well wish you well could be it either way. also if anyone had to do it much rather it be someone like you that has shown only unbiased positivity I have seen so far compared to some of the people that have recently bid on it that are the complete opposite. in the end freedom of speech aside engagement is engagement. When Uber and Waifumon started it was hit with massive extreme reactions both positive and negative. We took feedback form the negative comments there were somewhat productive and made them the products they are today. In fact even with Waifumon lot of the people that were negative at first became long time buyers and fans after we allowed them to speak their mind and laughed at what they said. I think the same can be said for any major brand or influencer comment section not just my case studies. Gotta simply ask is Decentraland a place of inclusivity of diverse thoughts and opinions or is just another platform full of moderation and censorship. Regardless, thanks for your feedback bro!

Last time we had this @AaronLeupp I was muted randomly for engaging lol :stuck_out_tongue:

1 Like

hahah first off sadly not surprised and that sucks. 2nd off this mute button will not be to simply MUTE the person so no one can see. it will be self censorship. where any viewer can mute and only they wont be able to see what that person says. for example i would like to mute anything kim kardashian says or any mention of her from any one else. so i simply would just mute it on my end. everyone else can still hear what she says and still hear people write about her. but i just wont see it. i should clarify that more in the 2nd draft if this ever passes. but lets face it this is an actual solution so we all know that means this wont pass here lol.

Mute button instead of “Mods”

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 1% 4,844 VP (19 votes)
  • No 97% 5,130,304 VP (20 votes)
  • Abstain 2% 113,672 VP (10 votes)