[DAO:47e4bf3] Update #6 for proposal "DAO Governance Squad 2H2023 Budget Renewal"

Author: 0x511a22cdd2c4ee8357bb02df2578037ffe8a4d8d
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


Hello community, here’s Gino from the Governance Squad reporting on the final update for this Grant period. We will do a recap of all things shipped by the team during the last 6 months to wrap up and expose to the community the value we added as a core unit responsible for developing, enhancing, and maintaining the technical and product infrastructure of the DAO operations.


Bidding & Tendering
We completed the delivery of the entire feature set for the Bidding & Tendering process. This is an important milestone as a community because it is a better way of requesting money from the DAO treasury by separating ideas from execution. One big problem we have to deal with in the past is that sometimes Grant proposals are approved by the community because the idea is great, but the team behind it is not capable of shipping it. Sometimes is the opposite, the team might be super capable but the ideas they have are not aligned with what the community thinks its important at that time. We developed the entire flow to convert a Tender into a Bid and reworked the Grants Dashboard into a Projects Dashboard unifying the view of all the active projects DAO members are working on.

DAO Badges
We also completed the delivery of the DAO Badges mechanism, or as I like to call them: Decentralized Metaverse Reputation System =P We built a mechanism to issue badges programmatically based on certain actions. This feature is powered by the Otterspace protocol and it’s fully on-chain so now the DAO activity has a reference on the blockchain.

Calendar Alert & Voting Timeline Chart
Two small features for the Proposal page that add a lot of value. With the Calendar Alert, DAO members can now add reminders to their Calendars for when a proposal is about to end. The Voting Timeline Chart displays how users voted in a proposal and how the VP calculations evolved over time. This is particularly important to identify whales’ behavior and last-minute votes.

Notifications in-app and Discord
We released a governance-related notifications system. Now users can subscribe and receive in-app notifications in the Governance platform. We also built a system to link Decentraland wallet-based accounts to Discord users to receive notifications straight on the Discord client.

Full UI Revamp
The team worked on improving the user interface and experience of the Governance platform both on mobile and web versions. Since we are using reusable components, the loading performance also improved.

Priority Widget
High-priority proposals are now prominently displayed at the top of your proposal lists, ensuring critical governance decisions and tender submissions don’t slip through the cracks.

Grant Request Author Details
Following an approved binding governance proposal, we’ve introduced a feature to track and display a grant requester’s history and performance. This transparency allows the community to make informed decisions about new grant requests.

DAO Activity Ticker
We built a real-time activity feed on the DAO homepage displaying votes, proposals, comments, and other key actions that DAO members perform on an everyday basis.

Financial Reports in Project Updates
Following an approved binding governance proposal, grantees now require to provide monthly financial reports to disclose how are they using the DAO funds every time they post a project update.


Note: We missed the last project update because I took some time off during the last two weeks and forgot to tell the engineering team to pay attention to that. Completely my mistake, sorry about that! (I’ve added the highlights to this update. You can also always check everything we do in Github and our Project board in real-time)

Not blockers but more of the downsides of this Grant period:

Multidelegation Strategy in Polygon
We couldn’t ship the multi-delegation strategy voted by the community. Besides some concerns raised by DAO members regarding the lack of transparency that this strategy would bring until a proper Sybil attack protection mechanism is in place, we faced some technical limitations that made the effort needed to ship this, way bigger than we estimated. Our plan is of course finalize this and ship it (Since it’s a binding Governance decision voted on by the community) in our next Grant period.

Budget Calculations Issue
We had to deal with an issue we introduced in the Budgeting mechanism for our Grants program. Bugs occur every time you build something, but this is the first time we introduced a considerable regression on a core governance feature. On the bright side, the team fixed it promptly and we engaged with the community as soon as we identified it to ask for their input on how to move forward. For more info please read this topic

Marving Morning Brief
We were planning to work on an AI-assisted tool to autogenerate briefs with the DAO activity periodically but we couldn’t start with this initiative. We made a prototype for a hackathon but we decided to move forward with other initiatives we had on our roadmap we considered more valuable for the community. We still think this is a cool feature that could bring value and lower the barrier of entry for people who are not heavy users of the DAO so we plan to cascade this development into the next Grant period.

Next steps

Publish the Grant renewal
This week we will publish our Grant renewal to continue the work ahead. We’re planning some changes regarding the budget, the workload, and the team’s roadmap so stay tuned for more information.

Shipping value
Suppose the community decides to renew the trust in our team. In that case, our plan will still be focused on shipping value to the Decentraland ecosystem by enabling its members to make better decisions by providing the information and the technical infrastructure needed to do it in a fast, simple, and delightful way. We believe that decentralized governance is changing how humans interact and execute projects. We know we have a long way to get to an ideal state, but we want to keep contributing our product expertise to continue making the Decentraland DAO a reference in the great user experience and transparency of decentralized governance platforms.

Additional notes and links

Check our work:

Github Repo

Release Notes
Project Board

Team Demos

Public Grant Roadmap

Gov Squad Multisig

Give us feedback on our Canny board

Stay tuned for our Grant renewal proposal and further updates, and thank you for your continued support and engagement!

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