[DAO:28dc192] Create DAO Guidelines for Points of Interest(POIs)

by 0xeb87d5c374af1ffe3665bea05417cdf08c12001e (Darynka)


This initiative proposes to establish clear, non-binding guidelines for Points of Interest (POIs) within the Decentraland. POIs are critical in guiding user experience and ensuring the efficient discovery of key locations within Decentraland. This proposal aims to integrate best practices and adapt them to our unique virtual environment.


  1. Ensure that POIs provide value to the users.

  2. Align POIs with Decentraland’s standards.

  3. Verify POIs quality build and display.


  1. Possible Eligibility Criteria:
  • Prior history of organizing events, contributing to the vibrancy of the Decentraland experience.

  • Active engagement with community members and meaningful participation in Decentraland.

  • Location meets technical requirements.

  • Contributing beyond self-interest to Decentraland.

  • Author having a minted Decentraland Name.

  • Offering something distinctively unique to the community.

  1. Possible Strategies:
  • Emphasis on cultural significance and user engagement.

  • Strict rules on commercialization to avoid overcrowding with ads.

  • Regular POIs review to ensure relevance and activity.

  • Dynamic POIs: Emphasis on changing POIs based on events and seasons.


This is a non-binding pre-proposal poll designed to assess Community sentiment. If approved, a working group will be created for wider discussions and inputs including POIs guideline strategies and selection criteria. Finalized points will be submitted in the next governance stages.


YES: Create Guidelines for Points of Interest(POIs).

NO: Leave as it is.

Share your thoughts related to this proposal on the DAO Discord or in the comments. (Forum post)

  • YES
  • NO
  • Invalid question/options

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I LOVE this!

I want the community to decide what we collectively feel a POI should require.

May I take this opportunity to also propose that we would benefit from having different kinds of POI’s? Some areas in Decentraland are amazing, but they never host events. So if we use that sort of criteria to determine their worth, they could be seen as “less valuable” than other locations. I’m thinking that giant wood elephant, or Pikachu. Both are very cool, they might have a lot of value to an art enthusiast (the elephant one), but they will never have the same kind of interaction as a place like the Stronghold or TRU Bandroom.

I think we need different types of POI to accurately reflect what value they bring to Decentraland. There is value in having POI’s for clubs and events, but also value in having less active places host a POI star.

Just a rough idea would be:

Venue POI: Clubs, Poker, Places that regularly host events
Art POI: Permanent installations that are meant to be experienced and enjoyed even when events are not hosted
Commercial POI: For Wal-Mart, Southerby’s, Jose Cuervo, Snapple, Etc. (IF they maintain a presence in DCL)
Legacy POI: For some of the very first builds added to Decentraland. They show the history of this platform.

With all of these, I would suggest that there is information available to the viewer, so they can go to Sugarclub and see that “This venue was added in 2020 and remains the oldest club in Decentraland” or to the wooden elephant “This installation was created by XXXXX in June 2020 and you can find more information about the artist here: with clear contact info”

I think we can’t include stipulations like “Quality build” or “Contributing beyond self-interest to Decentraland” because these are very subjective. Will we then create a committee to determine what defines a quality build, or whether someones’ contribution is large enough? I love my builds! I’m so proud of them because I’m slowly learning Blender. But if someone required a quality build for a POI, I might not make the cut :laughing: I think we need to keep things very objective, factual, and easily quantifiable so that we don’t force ourselves into creating another committee.


Thanks, Canessa. Agree with your inputs, they will be useful in next dao stages.

1 Like

I agree that there should be a list of guidelines to get a POI listed.
I don’t think the requirements should be too complex.
As a individual dev. I already have a list of requirements to get a scene up and running in dcl.

I don’t agree with things that take up my spare time. Like “regular reviews”, “active engagement”, “Contributing beyond self-interest”, “Minted Name” and “rules on commercialization”.


Create DAO Guidelines for Points of Interest(POIs)

This proposal is now in status: FINISHED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 100% 4,731,598 VP (41 votes)
  • No 0% 0 VP (0 votes)
  • Invalid question/options 0% 0 VP (0 votes)

Create DAO Guidelines for Points of Interest(POIs)

This proposal has been PASSED by a DAO Committee Member (0xfb1afa4dc069ffb47b19dbee196045d508fcd5a2)

i support this proposal 100% . There are many ways to assess value added to DCL, than throwing events.

Just like in real life , place with significant historical value or heritage adds to the platform and helps it not make it sterile and lifeless.