[DAO:e2b73c2] Decentraland POIs: Categorization and Guidelines

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Linked Pre-Proposal

Create DAO Guidelines for Points of Interest(POIs)


This proposal introduces guidelines and categories for Points of Interest in Decentraland, aiming to increase user interaction and improve the community experience through structured and diverse categorization.


Drawing on community feedback, this proposal outlines guidelines and introduces varied categories for Decentraland’s POIs. It is designed to ensure that each POI maximizes engagement, maintains relevance, and reflects the unique values of our virtual world.


The effective management and categorization of Points of Interest (POIs) in Decentraland are vital to enhancing the platform’s navigability and overall user experience. This proposal addresses the community’s call for a more organized and meaningful interaction with these virtual landmarks, ensuring they serve as true beacons of engagement and culture.


1. Categories:

  • Venue POIs: Places that regularly host events, such as clubs and event spaces.

  • Art POIs: Permanent installations valued for their artistic merit, independent of events.

  • Commercial POIs: Locations representing commercial entities (e.g., brand stores) that maintain a presence in Decentraland.

  • Legacy POIs: Landmarks that showcase the history and evolution of Decentraland.

  • Education POIs: Spaces focused on educational activities and resources, such as virtual classrooms, universities, libraries, or museums.

  • Gaming POIs: Dedicated areas where users can engage in interactive and immersive gaming experiences.

  • Memorial POIs: Places dedicated to honoring individuals who have passed.

  • Dynamic POIs: Seasonal or event-driven points that adapt based on community engagement and popularity.

  • Financial Sector and Banking POIs: These POIs should provide services related to finance, banking, investment, or cryptocurrency within Decentraland.

  • Other POIs: A flexible category for any POIs that do not fit into the above categories, ensuring inclusivity in our classification system.

2. General Criteria(non-binding recommendations):

  • Author having a minted Decentraland Name.

  • Offering something distinctively unique to the community.

  • Adherence to technical and aesthetic standards.

3. Category Eligibility Criteria:

POIs must be established according to the categorization criteria. Each POI should clearly align with one category to be considered for inclusion.

  • Venue POIs: Must have a history of organizing and hosting community-driven events.

  • Art POIs: Should be recognized for contributions to arts. Must update their exhibits at least once a year to maintain relevance and engagement.

  • Commercial POIs: Need a commitment to maintaining a presence in Decentraland, with periodic reassessment. Applicants should be given a 1-year period, after which they must reapply.

  • Legacy POIs: Should represent historical significance.

  • Education POIs: Organizers must demonstrate connections to educational initiatives or institutions.

  • Gaming POIs: Should be a track record in creating games. Must incorporate new features or updates at least once a year to stay aligned with SDK and tech advancements.

  • Memorial POIs: Must adhere to principles of respect and historical integrity.

  • Dynamic POIs: Require a flexible and responsive design to remain relevant based on user interaction.

  • Financial Sector and Banking POIs: Must provide financial services within Decentraland or represent a globally recognized financial or crypto brand, maintaining relevance through periodic updates.

  • Other POIs: Must provide a clear rationale for how they differ from other categories and their unique contribution to the community.

4. Review Mechanisms:

  • Crowdsourced Feedback: Community reports will help monitor POI quality and relevance, enhancing community involvement and oversight.

  • Automated System: An automated review based on activity metrics will continuously evaluate POIs, flagging those with low engagement for further review to ensure they remain active and relevant.

5. Gov Dapp and Documentation:

  • Necessary updates will be made to the Decentraland DAO governance Dapp to reflect the updated POI process.

  • Governance documentation will be revised to reflect new changes.


This proposal sets the framework for a diverse and organized Points of Interest system in Decentraland, ensuring each POI adds distinct value and remains relevant over time. By incorporating categorization and guidelines, Decentraland will have a more interactive virtual environment.

This is a non-binding Draft proposal. If approved, feedback and insights will be solicited to refine and finalize the points for the final governance stage.

If the DAO approves this proposal in last governance stage, including the review mechanisms, a Canny request will be submitted, or a bidding and tendering process will be initiated for the technical implementation of these review mechanisms and additional client-side upgrades.

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

View this proposal on Snapshot

Hi DAO. Thank you all who participated in this topic. :handshake:

Please Vote and Leave your feedback. Also here is doc file for comments:


Although I think this extremely overcomplicates the POI system, I do have some questions since I’m sure it’s going to get passed through no matter what.

  1. Do we know the technical feasibility to develop/integrate this “system”?

  2. Since there are now categories does this mean each category POI will still be the same icon color? (yellow currently) Or will there be new colors introduced associated with each category?

  3. Can a parcel qualify for more than one category? What if a parcel is both a gaming and venue parcel?

  4. How is the “automated” system going to gauge what is reasonable “activity”? Especially when the platforms player base fluxuates?

  5. Who is going to build/integrate this “system”?

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Hi Nikki.

  • The purpose of this proposal is to confirm community sentiment and gather feedback. Once we have that, I plan to engage with the Foundation to discuss all the technical details. Additionally, I’m waiting for feedback from @ginoct to gain further insights on this matter.

  • I like the idea of using different colors for each category. It seems reasonable and beneficial to introduce them to bring clarity.

  • Initially, the idea was to assign one category per parcel. However, we can remain flexible and consider implementing applications that allow parcels to qualify for multiple categories.

  • IMO we need feedback from the Foundation to determine the most effective way to work out reasonable activity levels. Maybe we can start without this feature and consider it for future implementation.

  • Ideally, the Foundation would handle the development and integration of this system. However, the DAO also has a bidding and tendering process that could be utilized as an alternative if necessary.

Hi Folks. Could you please explain the rationale behind your ‘NO’ vote ? @mazafaka @nwiz

@web3nit Personally I like this idea, I think there is a lot of room for improving the Map experience inside DCL and it would be nice if POIs had more metadata associated to empower the Foundation, or anyone building a client to provide an engaging and guided experience when exploring Decentraland for the first time.
However, I think that for the first iteration, we could use the scene categorization metadata that is currently available to enrich POIs without having to go through an entire development of this feature. WDYT?

On a side note, from the Governance experience and the platform itself, this would be doable without too much effort.


Sounds good. Thank you for your feedback.

I like the concept of categories and better clarity about requirements.

I’ll be curious how a number of venues that I operate in the Conference Center, VRS District, and Aetheria may or may not qualify (in other words what the metrics will actually be). I generally have not submitted POIs on them but would like to.

I hope that the bar isn’t set too high, especially if categorized where having somewhat more POIs wouild be fine, but too high of a bar means venue operators would too often fail.

I have some traffic stats I could discuss with you about most of those venues to help you refine the specifics about thresholds.


I like categorizing POIs. It’s one of those “it just makes sense” implementations. I like this without the guidelines feature.

I would recommend implementing categories first, see how our system goes, then some level of POI guideline if necessary.

I believe the categorizing of the POI will help remove clutter from the map and drill down into more targeted discoveries for users.

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Decentraland POIs: Categorization and Guidelines

This proposal is now in status: PASSED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 80% 5,561,512 VP (39 votes)
  • No 19% 1,330,675 VP (7 votes)
  • Abstain 1% 17,635 VP (6 votes)

I too suggest categorization first, with more time to weigh whether the requirements are needed or how they should be defined.

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