Collection 'Pet Cat - Pink' created by Janineg#8d19 is ready for review!

If you want to update one of representations after you uploaded both of them, you should firstly upload male or female only representation and after that hit three dots and add another representation

its done :slight_smile: can you check its all ok as my editor isn’t opening.

Limit is 1500 triangles and 2 materials 2 textures, can you reduce please?

Please can you help. I think I must have done something wrong. Just the plain black tshirt has 999 triangles and 2 textures and 2 materials. Is this because I am including the avatar skin and does this still count? my tshirt has 329 triangles and the cat has 840. Sorry if I am a pain :frowning:

Yes, triangles of standard hands counts.
However AvatarSkin_MAT material and texture do not count, so in your case maximum is 3 materials 3 textures (with standard avatarskin_mat)

Is there any movement on this at all?

Yes, once limits will be 1500 and 3 mats 3 tex, i will approve collection

Hi Theankou, I think I have done it but my editor isn’t working again. can you please check. Thank you :slight_smile:

Collection approved!

Yayay brilliant! Thank you so much :slight_smile:

I just changed the thumbnail, can you approve this please :slight_smile:

gratz on wearable. sucks you had to do all this extra work. I liked the pants thought it was adorable. F these gatekeepers cant wait to see the skin.

Thank you :). I am actually very pleased with it. I did like the trousers but you have to make the best of the things you cant change! :slight_smile:

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Sorry, but i cant approve wearable with current icon.

Icon size should 256x256 or 512x512 with transparent background on it. As i see, your current icon don’t follow this requirements and brings some visual issues and glitches in builder / see-in-world

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That’s ok I will leave it as it is. Thank you :slight_smile:

How cab I change it back to how it was please?

I have changed it back to original thumbnail. Please can you approve it. Thank you :slight_smile:

Male representation is missing

Oh hahaha ooops. I will fix it asap :slight_smile:

All done :slight_smile: Thanks again!