Seeking Help with Wearables Creation for Decentraland

Hi everyone,

I am fairly new to Decentraland and really excited to start creating my own wearables:. I have been exploring the documentation and tutorials…, but I am still a bit confused about a few things and could use some guidance from more experienced creators:.

3D Modeling Software: Which software do you recommend for creating wearables? I’ve heard about Blender, but is it the best option? Are there any specific tips or plugins that could make the process easier?
Wearable Standards: I want to make sure my designs meet the Decentraland standards. Are there any key guidelines or common pitfalls I should be aware of before submitting my wearables for approval?
Publishing Process: Once I’ve created my wearable, what’s the step-by-step process to get it published and available in the marketplace? Any advice on pricing and marketing would be super helpful too.

Thanks in advance for any help or resources you can share…! :pray: I have searched on the forum for my query and I found this thread but I didn’t get required help so now I am looking for more advice and help.

I am really eager to learn and contribute to the Decentraland community:.

With Regards, :grinning:

Mitchel Johnson