Proposal: There is currently the ability to deploy 2D NFT art through the native builder. We even have wearables that are NFTs. But what if NFT 3D models could be deployed through the native DCL builder?
Motivation: Describe in three sentences why this is a good idea and the broad strokes of how it could be implemented
Right now in DCL, properties are barren, and at best have some of the native builder decorations deployed. This makes DCL feel cold, and doesn’t provide the customization of properties that would make the world more fun and personalized. The addition of NFT 3D models would provide a new opportunity to incorporate user owned NFTs. To implement this a tool in the builder like the 2D NFT picture frame would be needed, which would instead deploy the 3D model. This would enable creators of 3D content to design NFT collections which can be deployed on LAND.
Background: References to similar ideas or things, other features that have to be taken in consideration, how would this idea fix previous issues.
The closest analog would be the 2D NFT picture frame, which is widely used and one the best ways to personalize a property today.
Use cases: Narrate and describe how different users or personas would benefit from this getting implemented.
For LAND owners and district managers, they could deploy custom 3D models which have the ownership benefits of a 2D NFT. Imagine if you could buy a sports car NFT that you could park at your property. .gltf files can already be minted today on OpenSea, so it seems we just need the functionality to deploy them in DCL.
User stories: Succinct descriptions of goals that can be achieved if this gets implemented
I want to be able to upload my 3D model NFTs in world to encourage 3D model ownership as well as make LAND ownership more personalized. What better way to make your property more interesting and engaging than by deploying your own NFT models in it?
Have you ever imported .glb or .gltf files into the native DCL builder?
Because those 3D models can easily be deployed in Decentraland.
I’m not seeing the issue 
I have imported .gltf files into the native DCL builder. What I’m proposing is to import NFT .gltf files. DCL is not currently capable of importing minted NFT 3D models like it can with 2D NFT art. So that’s the novel part of this proposal: to import 3D models which have been minted as NFTs (which can be done on sites like OpenSea already today).
The problem with this, is if you don’t know how to add collision/rigid body to your 3D objects in your creator, when uploaded to the DCL native builder, your items can be passed through and don’t have collision.
There is always the ‘Invisible Wall Smart Items’ from the DCL Builder that can be used as colliders.
Accessible for everyone 
This is amazing! Thank you for pointing this out to me! =D
@mikeborden this is a great idea. I was also searching how to do this in the SDK, but couldn’t find a solution yet. It makes sense for 3D creators to link their created assets to their authorship via NFTs.
One possibility is to have an API Integration that hosts the GLB files (ie: hosted in OpenSea). But there seem to be throttling limits (certain amount of requests per second) which may damage the user experience.
Will keep researching, I wish this can be a feature we can all use someday.
Right on @dilucious! Glad you’re seeing the same functionality that I have in mind. Right now, NFTs are only useful in DCL as they relate to wearables and art you can display. But you can mint 3d models. Why not be able to deploy and show off your NFT 3D models as well! It could create a whole new marketplace for NFTs that hasn’t (to my knowledge) been realized yet. Seems like we’re only a few steps away from making that a reality.
If you make any headway on how to make this work in world, please keep me posted. I’d be thrilled to figure out a workaround until this functionality gets baked into the DCL builder.
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Nothing like reviving an old topic, but here I am haha
I am currently building a 3D model NFT platform and was wondering if you guys think it might fit.
The platform is built on an ERC1155 contract and all model files will be hosted so that they are always available and fast to download. Creators will mint/upload their models which will have some metadata attributes derived from the model that provides information about it (dimensions, file size, animations, etc…) Creators can add pre-defined common attributes to set their in-game use case (avatars, equipment, buildings, etc…) which then the game clients will code to.
I was thinking a good way to initially integrate would be in the builder. Though models with certain attributes such as avatars and equipment could also be implemented in-game as we are making a Unity SDK which would be compatible with the Decentraland client.
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Hi there @WoodsFiend! My apologies for the huge delay - I haven’t been great about keeping up with the Forums. But I’m super interested in anything that could push along the idea of making 3D models that can be made as NFT used for Decentraland. I’d love to discuss more! Feel free to email me at