[DAO:zxaso74] Should the community begin discussing a revitalisation strategy for Plazas?

Should the community begin discussing a revitalisation strategy for Plazas?

This proposal is now in status: FINISHED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes: we should begin open discussion on how to best utilise plazas. 87% 1,935,507 VP (54 votes)
  • No: the community should have no input on how plazas are built and utilised. 0% 0 VP (0 votes)
  • Invalid question/options 13% 306,166 VP (9 votes)
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Hello everyone, I actually didn’t have internet during this whole poll and I’m interested in being part of the next part of the discussion now the poll has ended. Soz lol
My proposal was just put on hold till Lastrums proposal had passed in case it affected Genesis (which it didn’t but I wasn’t sure at the time) and so I’ll be updating mine with the feedback received. Now this poll has passed I think the update on my side shouldn’t impact this poll too much as it’s a discussion piece and there’s no definitive governance action required except discussion.

Super happy to look at any further feedback people might have before I move forward with my proposal @Seanny @pablo and I really think Foundation Devs and possibly Governance Squad should be part of the future discussions around the revitalisation strategy to talk about whats actually possible as @ile mentioned. @Nando @ginoct
If Governance Squad and DAO committee @HPrivakos is involved they are actually here to ensure the DAO/governance isn’t getting abused (if you have any questions around abuse of dao it should go to them OR they should recommend a better collective from foundation) and Facilitation squad are here to lead/host the conversations @fractilians .

I hope this can clear up some conflict :v:


Should the community begin discussing a revitalisation strategy for Plazas?

This proposal has been PASSED by a DAO Committee Member (0xfe91c0c482e09600f2d1dbca10fd705bc6de60bc)

Hey guys, anyone want to add a comment to the article about the proposal?