by 0x6a77883ed4e65a1df591fda2f5252fd7c548f198 (Fancy)
After speaking with a mentor on discord, I was advised that the ability to list items for fractional MANA on the secondary market has always been allowed per the smart contract. However, this is not currently accessible via the user interface which the vast majority of humans use to access the market. From what I can tell, the users who are able
I’m proposing an update the UI to allow for everyone to be able to list for fractional mana.
Yes - add fractional mana pricing for everyone
No - Only bots should be allowed access to fractional mana pricing
Currently polygon gas fees are paid for us. If we have access to decimals on the secondary market, maybe there should be a price minimum, or pay ourselves for gas.
For the primary market, the publication fee that’s burnt contributes to rarify Mana, making it worth to allow low price transactions waste for the community.
I wouldn’t be against paying gas fees, however there are users who currently are ALREADY able to list on secondary for fractional mana. I wonder are they paying the fees? (IE listing while on the polygon network) I can only assume they are using a bot or program somehow to list, as it’s not possible to list for fractional mana on the secondary market through the UI.
I think I either accidentally deleted a portion of my poll, or it somehow poofed while I was submitting it. I mentioned the bot/program aspect prior. Also, this was just kinda a test the waters type proposal to see if the community would like this or not. Should it pass this stage I will make a new proposal with gas fees considered in some way. Thank you for your comments and feedback!