[DAO:f18bbea] Should Monetization Replace In-World Grants?

by 0xe945ed0530da54c1af15c6b034be9ef3e6bbe7b1 (OGContraBand)

In-world grants have been frozen which goes against the manifesto of improving and investing in in-world content. Should the following monetization system replace in-world grants?

Rather than having grants DCL-Metrics are used to distribute in-world grant funds as a percentage of user traffic generated by lands and worlds.

1 - There is no future projection, failed projects, rugs - everything is retroactive and simple - you get users you get reward
2 - Reduction of corruption. Currently new user has zero percent change of getting a grant unless maybe they have a connection to a legislator or a million dollar bill in their back pocket. New user does not have to appease the king and queen of Decentraland.
3 - Expected explosive growth. If you don’t understand why this would create explosive growth then you never tried to make more than 10 dollars on something related to art. People go wild for the change to make a few bucks on monetization - see youtube for an example.

If you do this as soon as possible Decentraland will be saved guaranteed. Land sales will go wild and Mana will skyrocket. Quite frankly those complaining about the platform just don’t know how to code and problems solve. Come out to 27,24 and you’ll see someone can create a game as good as Nifty Island here. Try the Laser Gun v1.7 you’ll see cool MOBA, FBS games can be made here without any help or aid by a good programmer just reading the docs, programming and debugging. Sure there are bugs, but currently there’s work arounds and a way to get what you need to get done done here and create something amazing.

  • Yes - replace in-world grants with monetization
  • No
  • Invalid question/options

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It means if your land/world accounted for 1% of the total visited lands/worlds for the grant period you will get 1% of all in-world-content grants for that period.

I like this part:

"Should the following monetization system replace in-world grants?
Rather than having grants DCL-Metrics are used to distribute in-world grant funds as a percentage of user traffic generated by lands and worlds"


First DCL must integrate any type of proof of personhood or any type of web3 human passports for such a function but then users must be rewarded too to have a stimulus to login with a Proof of personhood or web3 human passport , otherwise parcels will be flooded with bots and opened windows

@HPrivakos can you explain why this is a silly thing to think? Or just show him how easy it is for you to spoof DAU on a parcel?

Hey Huepow true people will try to game the system, but you look at who has the sleepers there - it’s already who gets the most grant money any ways lol. I think it’s no problem if someone want to stand around - that boosts the metrics and you watch the reviews people feel lonely here there will be a lot of people to talk to. You’re right that this will be best with a human check though. I think it could roll out in parallel with captcha then combine and start with a maximum proportion per wallet such as 5-10% of pool max limit - something along those lines.

I propose a max percentage of pool maximum per user (5-10% mabye). Secondly I believe captcha is coming to DCL? With human checks after hours of inactivity this can be a decent system. Perfect is the enemy of good.

No, I wasted enough time with this guy.
Bless his heart, despite trying his best he still is as smart as a bag of rocks.

Right we can see by the huge success of DCL it must be led only by the brightest and best! 1700 visitors per day amazing. Don’t worry nobody expected you to vote in a way that favorable to DCL your cards are shown already. Maybe if it’s a poll to make nifty island great and destroy DCL we’ll get a yes from the saboteurs of Decentraland. I will make my final recommendation to the foundation to take their domain name, fork everything and start fresh either without a DAO or with a 1 person 1 vote DAO to secure their platform for the federal reserve money printer security exploit the communist oligarchs are using to sabotage DCL. Foundation and founders - do it and never look back.

You want to know something funny? My youtube channel is on track to get as many visitors in February as Decentraland and with tiktok included I got way more aahahahahaahhahah. That’s with zero paid for ads unlike the oligarch class who can just print more money to buy views or buy Decentraland

Hello OG,
Is your YouTube channel back on-line?

Yeah I got it reinstated - it was totally deleted for 2 days I couldn’t even use YouTube. This has become the normal last election cycle my tiktok was totally deleted for ‘being a minor’ until about a week after the election. There was a huge number over 100k users including one friend of mine butterhag. My twitter I guess has some limited reach / label now? We’ll see I bet my TikTok is deleted for election interference in the upcoming months. DedHeadJ, why are you going to deny all the creators of DCL from monetization?

Should Monetization Replace In-World Grants?

This proposal is now in status: FINISHED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes - replace in-world grants with monetization 1% 11,871 VP (24 votes)
  • No 77% 2,863,712 VP (15 votes)
  • Invalid question/options 22% 815,321 VP (20 votes)

Should Monetization Replace In-World Grants?

This proposal has been REJECTED by a DAO Committee Member (0xfb1afa4dc069ffb47b19dbee196045d508fcd5a2)