[DAO:4c48322] Should the Grants Program be returned to normal?

by 0x153b2252eddcb3690ae6f5e9f38be13779e1364d (REDACTED)

Grants are currently frozen, with the exception of Platform and Core Unit Grants.

The intention behind this freeze was for people to work on fixing the systemic issues within the dao.

At this time, it has become clear that no one is actively working on addressing any of the issues that many people seem to agree exist.

There is little reason to keep the grants program frozen temporarily if no one is going to take the time provided by the freeze to work on fixes and changes to the dao.

So unless someone intends to pick up where Fehz left off, there seems to be no benefit from allowing the freeze to continue.

  • Unfreeze Grant Program
  • Keep frozen
  • Invalid question/options

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YES, DCL is a dead mall. Please let the creators and developers continue to develop DCL. There is money in the DAO for these reasons. As we have learned from prior failed projects like Dual Arena, one requirement should be everything is open source. 100% why the DAO is letting money go to waste rather than at least trying to build out is a mindset we should change.

The proposal to freeze grants abruptly stopped activity on Decentraland, creating a critical situation for the platform.

Understandably, if creators cannot make money they will abandon the platform, leaving Decentraland with the little existing content. Not everyone has the opportunity to build for free on a platform that has no visitors.

Likewise, reestablishing the grant program will not solve the damage caused during these months. The DAO needs to undergo much deeper changes for it to be a successful project.

By the way, I’m not going to cast my vote because of AshKetchum’s argument, he’s absolutely right.

Although I agree that the DAO should invest in creativity, I think the smartest thing is to wait to spend these funds until the launch of client 2.0

I strongly agree with @AshKetchum
“Until the new client is released Grants Program should be kept frozen”

The intention behind this freeze was for people to work on fixing the systemic issues within the dao.

At this time, it has become clear that no one is actively working on addressing any of the issues that many people seem to agree exist.

There is little reason to keep the grants program frozen temporarily if no one is going to take the time provided by the freeze to work on fixes and changes to the dao.

I guess you could reasonably argue that this is a reason to keep them frozen as well.

That said, it feels unfair to freeze the grants due to the dysfunction of the DAO. It feels like we’re punishing creators who have the desire and ability to build, and may or may not have any desire to take part in our political system.

Anyone who goes for a grant is taking part of this “political system.”

well, fun fact about how DAO governance works

This is a poll

the community offers feedback like “I don’t think it makes sense to restart grants until the new client is out”

And then you take that feedback and put it into a draft that reads, as an example, “should the dao restart the grants program with the release of the new client?”

So, simply voting down a poll without discussing ways to improve it is short-sighted and defeats the entire point of the three-step process.

It is clear that this is the predominant sentiment, many have stopped building because of this.

I think we must address this issue with initiatives that focus on making Decentraland a more attractive place for creators, this will be easy if we manage (after the launch of the new client) to attract new users.

Creators are only willing to create in an empty world if you pay them, otherwise they have no incentive to do so, and creators who are passionate enough to want to do this for free may not be able to do so due to work commitments. which obviously absorb the time required to build on the platform.

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I don’t think the grant program itself is inherently political. We are making it that way by allowing the DAO to essentially force grantees to participate, which is discouraging because discussing politics can often get heated or even toxic.

We need to lean more on the reputation system we’ve been seeing slowly implemented, I think. When someone asks for a grant you now see how many other grants they’ve been awarded. Stuff like that. Make it easier for trusted creators and harder for known con artists and unproven newcomers.

Hi @BanJarod

Thanks for the detailed explanation of the governance process!

There was no neceserity to say it from my POV, since i completely agree with the feedback provided by @AshKetchum

Believe it or not, it is a feedback.

This reply does not give me the impression you understood my point

Hi, I don’t know if you saw this post: Regenesis: Let’s meet IRL and revitalize the DAO but some community members are working to present proposals to fix the underlying issues regarding funding community projects. I don’t think restarting the Grants program as it is, with the low levels of governance engagement and the decrease in circulating VP is a good idea.

Well it’s going to restart in 5 months either way, so I hope you can solve those issues by then :sweat_smile:

Hope your event goes well and you guys solve all of the dao’s problems, but two days doesn’t seem like it would be enough time to do that given how little has been accomplished when it comes to addressing the fundamental flaws of the dao over the last 2 years. I admit, I’m a bit jaded and frustrated, so will try and find my last shred of optimism that you guys can do something of substance.

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i think we ban jar0d into oblivion. so the man cant even fart in the direction of a proposal. this decentralisation shit we’re creating is great.

Should the Grants Program be returned to normal?

This proposal is now in status: FINISHED.

Voting Results:

  • Unfreeze grant program 6% 89,253 VP (14 votes)
  • Keep frozen 93% 1,360,370 VP (24 votes)
  • Invalid question/options 1% 16,202 VP (2 votes)

Should the Grants Program be returned to normal?

This proposal has been REJECTED by a DAO Committee Member (0xfb1afa4dc069ffb47b19dbee196045d508fcd5a2)