[DAO:e5e0882] Add Seanny to DAO Committee

by 0x521b0fef9cdcf250abaf8e7bc798cbe13fa98692 (Kyllian)

Should Seanny be added to DAO Committee?



Reasons for adding

Why are you applying?

I feel virtual worlds are often underestimated in their ability to provide an escape to those who struggle to find themselves in their current reality. I am one of those people.

Unlike other virtual environments in which I have lost myself in, Decentraland posed a new opportunity to users which, in my view, is well-aligned with the internet’s founding principles; decentralized governance and open source technologies. My background in political science and governance was one of the main reasons I was intrigued by the DAO at the start of my DCL journey; I had long been part of guilds, committees, and working groups (irl and in-game), but the idea of building on-chain infrastructure, which can allow of immutable decision-making systems caught my attention in a way few projects could.

Decentraland changed me in ways few people would expect. Yemel was one of the first people to properly welcome me into Decentraland, offering me his time and focus as I relayed a barrage of questions his way on the state of the DAO. Today, I find myself wanting to give back to DCL, not just by filling a position, but by being bold enough to assess where we can collectively go as a DAO.

Yemel’s work with external organizations, evaluating risks, and mapping out implementation pathways for the DAO was extremely admirable, and taking on the challenge of filling those big shoes is one of the main reasons why I am humbly submitting my application for the position of DAO Committee member.

What is your history with both Decentraland and Decentraland’s DAO?

I’ve been around Decentraland for around two years now and was lucky enough to broadly expose myself to varying parts of both the space and the community.

A key turning point for me in my Decentraland story was reading the ADRs, in an attempt to deeply understand what it is we’re building, what the hurdles ahead may be, and what we should be prioritizing in the present. Since then, I feel I’ve developed a significantly well-rounded understanding of Decentraland, the DAO, and the core architecture behind DCL, and I do feel this is an opportunity for me to exercise that knowledge in a way that can have a meaningful impact down the road.

In the past, I’ve tried, to the best of my ability, to communicate, mediate, bridge-build, and when necessary, provide constructive criticism to fellow community members. Additionally, I feel that in the moments when it was my turn to face criticism, I did my best to actively listen and, where necessary, act on the feedback given to me. You can expect the same attitude and approach from me should I be entrusted with this position.


What skills, qualifications, and experience will you bring to the committee?

The DAO Committee is a position of trust which at a functional level requires a key set of skills related to updating smart contract lists, updating proposal statuses, deploying/revoking vesting contracts, and executing treasury operations, alongside passing reimbursements and compensation fees to specific parties.

I feel my deep familiarity with Decentraland and its systems, alongside my experience co-running a Web3 company will help in expediting my confidence in this role, especially with any tasks/systems I may currently be less familiar with.

Holding a Master of Science in Risk Management and a Bachelor’s degree in European Studies (Political Science) will also be useful, especially when dealing with issues of governance, best practices, risk evaluations, and precedent-setting.

I feel one key contribution I can bring to the committee is related to policy and communication, especially in relation to the Committee’s work with external organizations. I want our DAO to lead lobbying and negotiation efforts related to policies that could potentially affect us, whilst simultaneously starting a serious conversation on how we should address the DAO’s legal recognition as an independent entity.

Provide links to any relevant social media profiles or other information that will help the community when evaluating candidates.

(@seanellul on all platforms)

Application: https://forum.decentraland.org/t/call-for-candidates-dao-committee/19215/9

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

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Before casting your vote in favor of this individual, it is important to examine their actions, particularly their acceptance of a $60,000 grant through self-voting with their own 3.8m and their potential abuse of the grant system. Considering that the DAO is already facing challenges in its functioning, it would be prudent to avoid adding individuals who may further exploit the system under the guise of righteousness.

It is worth noting that @HPrivakos is offering personal support to this individual. Furthermore, during the DAO discussions, HP expressed their view that the occurrence of the incident can be unseen since it took place last year.


Keep pushing! Visionary!

Add Seanny to DAO Committee

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 73% 5,693,988 VP (75 votes)
  • No 26% 2,106,963 VP (14 votes)
  • Abstain 1% 68,211 VP (11 votes)