[DAO:25a1358] Add coalition to DAO Council

by 0xd6c957f9a6411f35d01baae2658758f277408878 (Rizk)

Should coalition be added to DAO Council?



Reasons for adding

Name: LordLike

A detailed resume highlighting relevant expertise.
I have contributed to several DAO initiatives, including proposals and strategic planning. I have a solid understanding of governance processes, their challenges, and potential solutions. Also, I have experience in pm and marketing.

A cover letter describing your vision for Decentraland’s future.
I see Decentraland as a tier 1 metaverse - an exciting cyberspace where there is always something interesting to do, whether it’s playing games, conducting business, exploring dating/networking opportunities, or creating engaging virtual experiences.

It should be a place where bugs, glitches, and ui/ux issues are addressed promptly, with fixes implemented without months or years of delays. When new sdks are introduced, they should come with sufficient support and a smooth transition, avoiding disruptions.

It should be a community where respect is not just nominally expressed on twitter spaces but also evident in real relationships between members. DAO officials should act ethically, refraining from abusing their power, trolling others, dividing community or disregarding gov binding decisions, and instead honor DAO proposals and the code of conduct.
All this must be supported by a virtual economy, with MANA at its core. My primary focus as a Council member will be to address the following areas:

1. Content is King
Creating diverse programs for creators is not just essential but vital for making Decentraland competitive and, most importantly, an engaging platform to participate in. Supporting creators will ensure Decentraland remains at the forefront of the metaverses.

2. Generation Z
They should be one of Decentraland’s key audience priorities, as they are digital natives who rely heavily on smartphones for gaming, socializing, and content consumption. By making Decentraland mobile-friendly, lowering entry barriers, and creating relevant experiences designed to appeal to their preferences, DCL can significantly boost user engagement and attract new participants.

3. Voting Power Imbalance and Decentralization
It is unacceptable for decisions in the DAO to be controlled by several vp holders. We must empower smaller stakeholders by addressing the concentration of VP to ensure fair and balanced participation. This could involve testing a reputation-based system (e.g., XP) to recognize active users/creators or exploring other solutions.

4. Independence
Reduce reliance on the Decentraland Foundation to ensure the DAO operates sovereignly. While alignment between the DAO and the Foundation is essential, the DAO should have strong, self-sufficient decision-making power, free from needing the Foundation’s final word on critical matters.


5. Accountability
Currently, DAO officials often fail to adhere to binding governance proposals and established procedures. To date, there have been no instances of core units or committee members being removed, likely due to personal relationships, fear of repercussions, and the community lacking sufficient VP to take action.

There is also a lack of clarity on how DAO-approved decisions will be enforced and who is responsible for implementing them. This ambiguity can lead to important proposals being ignored or not acted upon.

To address these issues, clearer reporting frameworks, performance benchmarks, and enforcement procedures should be introduced to ensure transparency in actions and decisions. Additionally, term limits should be implemented. Without term limits, DAO officials can remain in power indefinitely, which diminishes accountability and stifles the introduction of fresh ideas.

6. On-Chain Governance
While challenging to implement immediately, the DAO must develop a roadmap and concept for achieving true on-chain governance. As a web3 entity named DAO (Decentralized Autonomous Organization), this is a necessary evolution for Decentraland’s DAO.

The original DAO 2.0 Proposal stated on DAO Committee:

This is an interim solution. The combination of a committee and off-chain votes would be used only until a more robust second layer solution is created or until gas fees become lower and less volatile due to advances in Ethereum. At that point, Decentraland’s DAO may return to full on-chain governance. The aim of this interim solution is, indeed, to prevent certain current technical frictions from degrading the decentralized governance of the DAO

Evidence of your understanding of Decentraland’s ecosystem and commitment to its growth.

I’ve been participating in the DAO since 2021 and have voted on more than 1k proposals. I am a former member of the DAO Strategic Core Unit. Initiator of strategic and financial planning working groups in Decentraland DAO. Below are some of the DAO activities, governance-binding proposals I have authored, and community sessions I have organized:

  1. DAO Strategic Framework
  2. Organizational Chart for Decentraland DAO
  3. Bidding and Tendering Flow
  4. DAO Strategic Plan
  5. Strategic Planning working group sessions

Application continued in comments.

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

View this proposal on Snapshot


I have had mixed conversations and interactions with @web3nit I appreciate that our recent conversations been positive, but I will vote NO based on your performance in the last paid DAO position. It is nothing personal only performance based.
Take care,

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Application continues here…

  1. Financial Planning working group sessions 1
  2. Financial Planning working group sessions 2

You can look more at my activities in my DAO profile:

I am eager to collaborate with the community to shape the future of Decentraland and DAO and ensure its continued growth and success.

Hi @coalition! I don’t know who you are but several of your posts have been insulting. I greatly admire the courage for honesty but insults are rewarding to those who are insulting others and don’t have much constructive value for who they are towards. I hope my honesty is constructive for you because we don’t have time to play anymore. There are going to be 5 people in this council and we need a streamlined path to a successful future. This will take debate without infighting and a willingness to grow individually as a person, as well as a group.

It’s LordLike aka web3init

Thanks to coalition, the DAO started focusing on Strategy and Financial well-being. He is a candidate who isn’t afraid to speak the truth about what’s happening in Decentraland. Not all of his decisions were perfect, but he accomplished many positive things for the DAO.


Please, the DAO was way better before his chatGPT proposals.

This is coalition/lordlike partner, not an unbiased feedback.

He got a 32k grant that didn’t bring any meaningful results and abused of internal informations while he was part of the “Core Unit” to try to get a 127,200 USD grant for something totally unrelated to Decentraland with his partner Darynkon.
He can in no way be considered a serious candidate and should not be in charge of anything after what he did in the past.

(This proposal was created 1 hour before the grant freeze, LordLike/coalition knew about it because he was in the DAO Core Unit call the day before where we talked about the exact time we were going to disable grants submissions)

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Hey Bro, you’re lying again. Initially, I didn’t want to reply to this comment because conversations with you are often a waste of time. However, your behavior is ridiculous as always. Let me spell it out for you !!! (as I’ve already done before)

  1. First of all, I am not surprised that you didn’t know Decentraland DAO had an “Accelerator Category,” which is a private company or revenue-generating initiative seeking investment from the DAO.



A private company or revenue-generating initiative looking forward to receiving an investment from the DAO.


Revenue share with the DAO or alternative value proposition.

Performance metrics:

Return of Investment

This project idea could have brought significant money to the DAO. Telegram is a great tool nowadays. By the way, I’m still working on it and have found funding elsewhere.

  1. Secondly, during and after my work as a Strategic Unit, strategic planning and financial working groups were created (which are still available on the DAO Discord with all their materials). As a result, the DAO began to discuss general and financial strategies. Many great sessions and presentations were conducted as well as some DAO proposals. You can find them here on YouTube:

• Strategic Planning Working Group Sessions

• Financial Planning Working Group Sessions 1

• Financial Planning Working Group Sessions 2

Also, the Strategic Framework Proposal passed with an overwhelming amount of VP, but you, as a DAO Committee member, refused to fulfill and adhere to it, abusing your power again.

Here’s the link to the proposal:

Strategic Framework Proposal

  1. On your FALSE WORDS:

“ This proposal was created 1 hour before the grant freeze, LordLike/coalition knew about it because he was in the DAO Core Unit call the day before where we talked about the exact time we were going to disable grants submissions.”

This is untrue.Jarod’s proposal to freeze the grants program was supposed to end on Feb 9, 2024, at 03:18. My wife and I submitted our grant on Feb 9, 2024, at 01:37. Screenshots attached.

I submitted the grant not because I was in the DAO Core Unit call but because there was a proposal to freeze the grants program, and I guessed it would pass. That’s why I submitted it several hours before. Screenshots attached!!!

This was public information, and everyone knew about it. I’ve explained this to you several times.

Your comment and false facts once again shatter the myth of you being an honest personality.

  1. Last but not least: You harass people who question you and your actions in the DAO. You’ve been with Decentraland, working for the Foundation and as a DAO Committee member, for five years. Yet, here we are with a centralized council model and a client that is far from being in the best condition compared to its competitors.

Where are your results? Your whale friend abused grants with VP, as several respected members have pointed out, but you’ve said nothing about it. Instead, you protect him. Why don’t you speak out about the VR guys who took more than half a million dollars for Decentraland VR and then disappeared? You didn’t stop them, and they applied for grants multiple times.

This is what I call double standards.These are just a few examples.

All you do is say “NO” and abuse power. Last time, you violated DAO governance rules, specifically the Code of Conduct, by unbanning a DAO member at your own discretion before the due date.

Many people are too scared to call you out directly. Privately in dms, even your friends admit I’ve done far more for DAO than you… LOOOOOL.

It’s sad that after so much time, you’re still lost. I believe someday you will grow up and be more kind to people. Good luck and take care!

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We are talking about the proposals were you voted yes and I voted no, right?


Add coalition to DAO Council

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 22% 836,232 VP (8 votes)
  • No 77% 2,909,623 VP (28 votes)
  • Abstain 1% 53,929 VP (4 votes)
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