[DAO:d12cd46] Update #3 for proposal "Creativity & Growth - Sandstorm Creator platform"

Author: 0x8958bdbeeeeb1a0e3eeec3306e7fc07ca3edd7d8
Update Status: Late
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


Overview of the 3rd Month of the Creativity & Growth Grant:

  • Project Round #1 Project Updates
  • Project Round #1 UGC Marketing assets (30+ Marketing posts finalised)
  • Project Round #2 Launch
  • Project Round #2 Submission reviews


Round #1 Projects - HIGH LEVEL:

THEME: #1 Time Chronicles

Participants are asked to design environments representing different historical eras, whether it be through inventions, or recreations of historical events / figures.

  • Albinkeer: Immersive and educational experience set in feudal Japan known as the “Samurai Dojo”
  • Juek: museum of history events (1. The Lost City of Atlantis 2. The Bermuda Triangle 3. The Nazca Lines 4. The Voynich Manuscript 5. The Dyatlov Pass Incident
  • GeekGoddess: Museum in tribute of Nikola Tesla
  • Sumedha Padey: Educational experience within a virtual replica of the Taj Mahal
  • OVA.Design: Museum of fine Art
  • Rizk: futuristic snake-shaped gallery
  • Cominted Labs: The Decentraland Olympic Hub inspired by The Panathenaic Stadium
  • Antonio Azzolino: First human settlements in mars
  • Zoobayr: Stone age in decentraland
  • Virtual Dope: Medieval Dungeon

All projects above include:

  1. Experience production (full SDK7 compatible experience)
  2. Wearables
  3. Asset packs

Some projects above include:

  1. Custom code & interactions
  2. Custom audio
  3. Minigames


All projects on track and (at current stage) almost finalized. We are currently conducting final review IN WORLD before shipping, advertising & paying out creators

Round #2 Projects:

THEME: #2 Celestial Symphony

Participants are encouraged to design a world where music and sound drive the environment’s formation and behaviour. How would sound & space look visually when combined?


  • Reviewing project applications & planing with artists / Studios
  • Starting to hire within the next week + initiate production cycle


No blockers

Next steps

Marketing “Machine” Will be in full swing starting Monday 4.12.23.

With more than 30 marketing posts already prepared + Individual posts from all participants, we will flood the TL with the different project insights and overviews.

We will additionally contact influencers & Developers in the space directly to provide scenes so they can build experiences on top of them.

Additional notes and links

View this update on the Governance dApp

On Jan 4th we had the monthly meeting with the team (I’m writing here because the update #4 is not uploaded yet).

The project is progressing with a delay of approximately 3 weeks. You can check the roadmap here: Notion – The all-in-one workspace for your notes, tasks, wikis, and databases.

If all goes well, they should be up to date by the end of February. However, we agreed to set 2 hard deadlines to avoid risks:

  1. by January 20th at the latest, all payments for #ROUND 1 must be made, and

  2. By February 22nd at the latest (the date scheduled for the February monthly check-in with the GSS), the project must be up to date. This means that #Round 1, #Round 2, #Round 3 should be finished, #Round 4 nearly complete, and #Round 5 launched.

In the event that 1) or 2) are not completed, the grantee will request a pause of their contract until they are up to date.

The official update is written but not yet uploaded because they had a blocker to upload the Financial report, which was discussed in the meeting and will be done shortly.

The next steps are:

  1. Make the official update.

  2. Make the payments for #Round 1 before January 20th.

  3. Improve the project’s GitHub to not depend on GDrive.

  4. Get up to date with the Roadmap.

Feel free to add any additional information or comments,

Hello DAO Committee (@HPrivakos @Tobik @rizk). The GSS is requesting a preemptive pause on the Creativity & Growth contract. Mainly because the first hard deadline we set in the last meeting on January 4th was not met (reporting payments to the creators #Round 1 before January 20th) and because the Official Update has not been completed (having reminded them of the issue twice).

That said, this action has no other consequence than to push the project to catch up. As soon as the transfers and the update are done, we will ask to reactivate the contract. The same will happen next February 20th if they don’t meet the hard deadline we set.



Done =)