[DAO:c79cc01] Add helpimstreaming to DAO Council

by 0xd6c957f9a6411f35d01baae2658758f277408878 (Rizk)

Should helpimstreaming be added to DAO Council?



Reasons for adding

Name: Helpimstreaming

I’m Helpimstreaming, a 30 year old event host, streamer and sound designer from England. I have a background in Fine Art, Music and Creative Media. I understand the importance of fun and entertainment, which with the speed of life these days seems to put it as a last thought. From the start of my Decentraland journey in 2021 I have quickly become a Dcl maxi meaning this is the only ‘metaverse’ I partake in and don’t see myself ever putting my efforts elsewhere.

Decentraland will always have a unique way on how people interact with e-commerce through virtual spaces and environments. It will also always have a unique way on how people interact with each other through creativity, entertainment and collaboration. I believe the latter is the most important for the space due to the connections being made are more personal and human. This is the reason why I have never left the platform and hold so much passion for its growth. The future of Decentraland rests on making these personal connections with the platform and with each other. Dcl will revolutionize how people create, share, and experience digital content.


I joined Decentraland in Nov 2021 and since streamed over 1600 hours with hundreds of successful events hosted on and off the platform. The value given back to the community has always came from my own freewill. I also completed a successful BINGO grant which was loved by the community but it allowed me to understand the process from a personal level. Although I’m far from technical I believe I’ve been a key member in providing entertainment and approachability to this space and can see the importance of entertainment. All this and my commitment to the platform makes me the perfect pallet cleanser for any team/council, with experience and deep understanding that could of only be achieved by being active on both sides of this platform. (Receiving and creating content).

Minted many names and published many wearables like we all have.
Run DecentralandUK on X for the UK community.

I am apart of no group or clique, I can not be corrupted or bought out.

Thank you for your consideration.

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HelpImStreaming understands the internet culture better than most people in Decentraland.
He is the key to attracting the enormous mass of internet users we have been lacking nowadays.
Overall he is a cool guy.

I appreciate the memes that @Helpimstreaming shares and the jokes that you provide. However, based on your application, I am not convinced that this role is suitable for you. Please continue contributing to social media and meme traffic, as you have added value in that capacity. Thank you for applying, but I will be voting NO.

Hi @Helpimstreaming, I have had good interactions with you in the past btu I also do not know much. I voted yes but I will also be learning as we discuss each other. I think it would be great if we could all meetup much more often, to get to know each other better and see how the social dynamic goes. With only 5 people, we need insightful people who can communicate well. Communication is always hard, so this will be a feat. Anyway, I voted yes for now and look forward to learning more about you and how we can all get along.

Add helpimstreaming to DAO Council

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 45% 1,125,052 VP (25 votes)
  • No 45% 1,122,802 VP (20 votes)
  • Abstain 10% 262,894 VP (5 votes)