by 0xe945ed0530da54c1af15c6b034be9ef3e6bbe7b1 (OGContraBand)
Streaming seems to be a central focus in Decentraland, yet it’s difficult for users to do. Most other platforms (facebook, youtube even theta) allow the user to simply generate stream key and use OBS. Do you think Decentraland should provide the same service?
There may be a cost associated with network server traffic and monitoring so possibly the user need to pay X Mana to generate the stream key. With moderation streaming on land / world using this feature can be a privilege lost to the wallet upon streaming any extreme/graphic/illegal content.
I believe many more land holders will stream if this is an option and when they do of course they want to invite friends, people from other platforms. This alone could see a big increase in users I believe. If done right I think it can cover costs for servers and moderators too. What do you think? Comment below
Yes, streaming should be made easier in Decentraland but I don’t understand the mechanics or costs behind making this happen. I really appreciated when the camera feature was added and would like to understand better if a video option is possible.
Good question on expected cost. Probably a lot depend on how many people watching streams, which technology is used etc. Maybe if the poll shows strong support it will be first thing to look at. One good thing about cast is it started working again today. It must have been a bug fixed or maybe something offline because I didn’t change anything in what I did. I will experiments some putting a screen in my Dealer Zone to go live playing Grateful Dead song loops for sure. It’s one option at least.