Should the scene located at 62,31 be added to the Point of Interest list?
High quality build with a lot of useful educational info painted on the walls with a unique hand drawing design
Cummunity has been active for very long, events every week
Interactive objects in the build
LIVE manned reception
Hi @Huepow,
even just having aroused your interest in proposing our building as a POI is a very respectable result for us. Whether the proposal passes or not, we Hellvetyans have in any case placed our little brick during the construction of Decentraland.
Thanks so much Huepow… and thanks to users like Darknight who manned the reception daily.
Users like Fabio who built the scene although his only experience in 3D Development comes from playing The Sims.
Users like Ermes who, despite his total lack of artistic skills, offers original aesthetic solutions to deal with technical limitations.
Users like DJ Rabbit and Aurelie who invest time and energy in making sure we find events ready to enjoy every week.
Users like Attilio who regularly give their contribution while remaining behind the scenes.
There would be many others to thank for their contribution, and it is for them too that this proposal should pass, to show that the efforts of individuals are rewarded by the Decentraland community.
Hello helloooo Huepow
Really kind, especially in the generous description. The truth is that we don’t do anything new and to be honest we also do it in a “cheap” version compared to the standards around us. This is why I am not surprised by the various NOs and ABSTAINs, and I also understand them because in the end they are not completely wrong. As with beer at the pub, I like to think I still have half a glass full of beer rather than a glass of beer half empty, so I enjoy the particular flavor of all those unexpected YES.
In my exhibition area the Mona Lisa would go unnoticed even with three POI stars and an arrow visible from space.
But your gesture remains genuine even if the proposal doesn’t pass
I appreciate it.
But while you clicked enter and submitted this proposal, you were also screaming THIS IS SPARTAAAAA?
Jokes aside, thank you @Huepow for introducing us to an environment where important things are discussed, not just our POI. We should have attended these chats, proposals and grants long ago, but better late than never, right? We have no illusions that we can change a single comma with our four crumbs of VP, but I understand that being present and active in the DAO discussions is part of Decentraland just like holding events, developing NFTs or deploy scenes.
Ciao @Huepow, we often compare ourselves with what surrounds us, and if we limit ourselves to judging our scene based on the spectacular nature of our building then yes, we all deserve the no’s. But are we really judging a book by its cover?
We are active daily, we are testing new experimental businesses to increase user traffic in DCL, we organize parties and events, we keep a website regularly updated and we have an app on the official Google and Apple markets, we are now approaching the development of NFTs to introduce in the DCL Market…
Obviously, all at an elementary level, and if all this together isn’t enough to be POI, I’ll also add a generous dose of “human interactions” distributed as if it were raining. More than that, we really can’t