[DAO:b10f885] 35+ Opensource Scenes and Assets for the Community by MrDhingia (Revised)

by 0x447c9058be5c164e0c4aae380381e7a5215052d4 (MrDhingia)

Should the following Tier 4: up to $60,000 USD, 6 months vesting (1 month cliff) grant in the Content Creator category be approved?


Problem: Development of 3D structures on the land is the major bottleneck in creating experiences on Decentraland. Many creators/individuals holding land with great ideas don’t have funds or skill sets to build the structure themselves. To solve this, we want to offer our services to the community.

Proposal: Dhingia Builds wants to create 35+ stunning builds in various parcel sizes for the community. The community of Decentraland will be able to make use of these builds for free. Those who own land can use and deploy these builds on their parcels.

Grant size

60,000 USD

Beneficiary address


Email address



Dhingia Builds founded by Mr. Dhingia is a team of young passionate builders and coders who have worked on 30+ projects and Individuals in Decentraland. Together the team wants to make it easier for users to build structures and make fully active spots by themselves. Users and landowners in Decentraland will benefit directly from this proposal. We offer unique build designs that can be used for free by everyone in Decentraland.

Some of the projects developed by MrDhingia

Apes 3D (103,150)
Bverse (-30,-108)
Voxboards (142,-146)
Peanutbutta (-108,-95)
Wilderness (old build)
CryptoNovo’s Novoverse (23,69)
Haus Of Daybed (124,-15)
DJ Category 5 Yacht Club (-63,-111)
Gremlin Society (31,-116)
Dhingia Club (144,-148)
Housi Casa (-70,42)
DoctorD Club (-91,-21)
Zevi G (-21,-53)
Eashoo Law (-101,-63)
MetaTron - (-150,-144)
Kandy Girl - (-55,-129)
Slavik Fruit Farm (161,92)
Afro Build (134,-141)
Castle Zeitgeist (136,-141)
Community Green Screen (143,-149)
Business Centre (142,-143)
Ladies Lounge (6,-47)
NCPI - A Government of India Project in DCL.
Dhingia Festive Build (Deployed on Cultural festivals)
Dhingia Exhibition Booth (-90,26)
Novoverse Halloween Build
Triverr Showroom
Racing Punks Showroom
Some builds are designed on NDA contracts.

Pros to Decentraland:

The owner of a parcel can start some activity without the hassle of building a structure.
This proposal will revitalize dead lands and increase engagement as it would be a hassle-free process to deploy scenes/ builds.

These builds can be used by several users who are doing events and need a better build.
The builds will include 1x1, 2x1, 2x2 (Clubs with SDK), offices, headquarters, NFT Galleries, and 3x3 event spaces, and concert stage.
This will lead to more engagement on the platform since there will be multiple active scenes.


Build Features:

Builds will have striking and distinctive designs. Some builds will have copies in various textures and theme. For instance: Build A will have color options and textures like A1, A2, A3. Decentraland norms and specifications will be followed when building. Builds will have various size options. Builds will have the facility of light, interiors and elevators. Builds can be customized using DCL builder. Builds will be within triangle limits and SDK friendly. Builds will have perfect collisions and layout for movement.

Builds are fully functional and can be customized by USER based on an individual’s needs and project requirements. Comes with an instruction video “How to deploy the scene?”. We will also provide a series of videos detailing how to place the build on land, install other GLB files, assets, and other general SDK features to make the build more functional. Also, the videos for editing the Game.ts and Scene.json files and setting up the build for deploying on the land parcel. A special discord and website will be developed for distributing these builds to the community.

10 Projects/Individuals get custom build who are active in the community and deliver value to the platform.


Mr. Dhingia Personal: I Joined DCL in Nov 2021, as a Decentraland builder, I have built 3D architecture for projects and individuals. I own/operate Dhingia Club (144,-148) and . Dhingia club hosts many events including birthday parties, cultural events, and launch parties for builds. I publish wearables, and actively engage with the DCL DAO on a daily basis. I often give free builds to individuals who contribute to DCL’s success. I also actively spread the word about metaverse and give out DCL T Shirts at IRL events like XVERSE, a Decentraland collaboration at Gitex Global, World Trade Center, Dubai, UAE and others.


Website - www.mrdhingia.com

Email - contact@mrdhingia.com

Instagram - www.instagram.com/mrdhingia

Twitter - www.twitter.com/MrDhingia

My 1 year DCL journey: https://bit.ly/3ugR2TH

Discord - MrDhingia#6908

Interview by DCL report Maryana https://youtu.be/dMJJraTbkVQ

Featured in Digital trends link Virtually having fun: I went clubbing in the metaverse | Digital Trends

Roadmap and milestones

Each month We will release 5 builds X 7 months =35 Builds

December = 5 builds (after approval)

January= 5 Builds

February= 5 Builds

March =5 Builds

April = 5 Builds

May = 5 Builds

June = 5 Builds

Additionally 10 custom builds mentioned above to various Projects/Individuals

Builds will be displayed in District X after they are developed.

We are open for any questions, kindly leave your feedback and suggestions.


Mr Dhingia


Dhingia Builds

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

View this proposal on Snapshot

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Sample builds:

Absolutely YES. Builds DCL and Advocates for DCL. He’s a legend creator and builder.

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Proud to vote yes for a second time. This project has major value.

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Yes. Thank you for this proposal! I’m sure many people would love to use Mr.Dhingia’s high quality desig
ned build on their land.

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I like the revised version of the proposed grant. Best of luck Mr.D

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Voted YES. This is extremely beneficial to the community!

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Thank you for revising @Dhingia. Happy to support this initial test and see how it goes. I appreciate your dedication to the DCL community.

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Dhingia has a high level of buildings at a glance. He’s a person who has excellent skills and has a high possibility in the future. I voted yes, too. I’m rooting for you and I hope to see you more often

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u r doing good work. GL

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It is a yes for me as struggling to build my own right now. would be great to have a show room full on models to pick from.

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Keep up the great work Mr.Dhingia! We love your work and what you are doing for the community!:heart::raised_hands:t6:

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Voting no for now as I’m not clear how these builds will be stored and maintained. Also not clear why the Scene Pool continues to be non-functional when it seems like across Builder and Docs that you should be able to publicly post and download scenes from there. This seems like a better and cheaper way to share scenes at no cost to the DAO and is a frustrating issue, perhaps @esteban can weigh in. I also think 35+ builds at $60k is probably overkill to start. I’d probably rather have half the builds and cost and see how it goes (quality over quantity).

All that being said, I like the idea and commend @dhingia as there definitely needs to be some starting free scenes available to the community. If there is some clarification may change my vote. Thanks.

Thanks Johnny for the this important question. To answer your query all scenes will be uploaded to github, similar to the awesome repository along with step by step method to use them. Once the Scene pool is functional we will upload them there as well. If the community needs something more straight forward, scenes can be uploaded on a open google drive . About why to go ahead with 35 scenes, with the experience we have in designing 30 builds we know how diverse the design and functional needs are for different community members. Even 35 builds may not be able to cover the different styles that are needed. We will broadly be covering beautiful multi floor homes, SDK clubs, offices, NFT galleries, Head Offices, Wearable Stores, DJ event builds, Event Auditoriums in various sizes. Additionally helping 10 projects by designing custom free builds.

How customizable will each build be?

Just a question.
I see “Mr. Dhingia is a team of young passionate builders and coders”
But in personnel I only see 1 person and could seem that the grant covers only 1 person work.

How much people will be working on the project and how many weekly hours? Is i possible to know the team members?

Dear @HPrivakos , the builds can be customized using decentraland builder. Here is the video of adding elements from the builder assets and deploying the build using the builder.

Here is one of the sample build decorated with builder assets.

Dear Pablo, Mr. Dhingia is the brand name under which our team has been designing builds for some time now. Most of the members have been working part-time on a project-to-project basis with me but after this grant, they will be able to engage full-time. Here is a broad division of work hours :

Project Manager & Lead 3D Artist - Dhingia - 40 hrs a week
3D Artist (Full Time) - 30 hrs a week
3D & Texture Artists - to be hired as per need on a task-to-task basis,
Coder as 15 builds have SDK features : to be hired as per need on a task-to-task basis.

We are also providing custom free builds for 10 projects/individuals to help them deliver value to the platform.

Please take a look at some of the builds mentioned above. My personal favorites are Novoverse 23,69 and DJ Category5 Build -61,-111, which show our team’s work. Further, I feel my time engagement with DCL has increased over the past month as I have been doing quite a bit, and very excited for 2023.