[DAO:91ba217] Update #3 for proposal "Meta GamiMall Developement and Operation for 6 months"

Author: 0x9b3ae2dd9eaad174cf5700420d4861a5a73a2d2a
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


This month, we focused on MetaMine Season 4 Preparation MetaMine, which includes Season 4 Brands BD & Onboarding Brands Materials preparation (making wearables and advertising materials etc). Plus, we hosted 2 bi-weekly events as planned.


Monthly DAU:180

Season 4 Brands BD:
Onboarding and preparation were the biggest topics of the month, so far we have onboarded 12 different brands to join MetaMine Season 4 (Decentral Games, Natcats, Pacmoon, Soul Magic, AnyMagik, Stoney Studio, StoneyEyeStudios, Vipehero, MetaFoxCrew, MrDingia, Cutter For a Cause, Voxboard).

Onboarding Brands Materials Preparation:
We are in active communication with these brands regarding preparing their promotional materials (to be displayed in MetaGamiMall). And have created 3 wearables for 3 of the outside brands that were new to Decentraland. Plus, some of the advertising materials, like logos, links, models and introducations have already been updated in the Mall.

2 bi-weekly events
Natcats Twitter Space with Decentraland Foundation: We invited Natcats and Decentraland Foundation to join a Twitter Space together to welcome Natcats to join Decentraland, and discussed how to onboard the Bitcoin community to Decentraland.

Pacmoon Helmet release: We released the largest socialfi/meme project on Blast Pacmoon to join Decentraland, and released their wearable in order to let our community be able to farm Pacmoon Token in their airdrop season.

2 community events:
We have seen 2 surprising community-organized events by PaulYong utilizing our leaderboard features.

Fixed the coins-in-the-air-cannot-be-collected problem.
Updated the unified scene codes following the Foundation’s update.


There are no obvious blockers.

Next steps

Release the Teaser video
Releasing advertisements to some niche metaverse community.
Brands Materials preparation including making wearables, advertising materials etc.
Listing wearables models in the mall and adding them to our reward-claiming smart contract.
Promotion for MetaMine Season 4 on social media with all the brands onboard
2 bi-week events

Additional notes and links

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