[DAO:a917917] Update #6 for project "Meta GamiMall Developement and Operation for 6 months"

Author: 0x9b3ae2dd9eaad174cf5700420d4861a5a73a2d2a
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


It was a smooth month for Meta GamiMall, we held a series event with the ViperHero Team, co-developed a game scene with our partner. organized an interesting event oriented with it, and have kept managing our social media presence.


Daily Active Users: 133 Number of Unique Visitors per Month: 903 Average Time Spent on Platform: 260 minutes

MetaMine Season 4 Series Event with Onboarded Brands:
We held another exciting giveaway event in collaboration with the PolygonalMind and VipeHero teams, where we gave away several Grifter NFTs as rewards. This event was a great success, showcasing our commitment to engaging with our community and rewarding our loyal members with unique digital assets.
Development of Collaborative Game with Our Community:
In partnership with PaulYong, we developed a collaborative game that has been integrated within MetaGamiMall. This new game, designed with input from our community, offers an interactive and immersive experience for all users, further enriching the MetaGamiMall ecosystem.
Bi-Weekly Events:

  1. VipeHero Giveaway Event:
    We organized a giveaway event with VipeHero, engaging our community and offering exclusive rewards. For more details, check out our announcement here.
  2. Paul-World Promotion Event:
    We also promoted Paul-World with a special event, enhancing visibility and interaction within our platform. Additional information can be found here.



Next steps

This will be the last month of our grant project, however, we will keep operating it with the minimal level for a while. Thanks for everyone’s support.

Additional notes and links

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