by 0xed0e0cb94f60f72ec94bef848f5df4cbd365af1d (InJesterr)
I’m about to write a Proposal to publish the 28th of february, it is going to be a Grant proposal for $60.000,
The things I am going to cover in this proposal are:
Pre Beta game release proceedings,
Post Beta game release proceedings,
Things we need to do to have it work on Decentraland,
Things we are going to do to update the game,
Our list with expenses,
Our personnel team,
Pros and Cons.
I need to see a proposal with quality examples, a solid team, a clear timeline, and specific deliverables. I’d also need to see completion of a smaller project with a smaller budget. I recall the appeal for support you made for your previous proposal in a Twitter space this past summer. During the space, it received the VP amount it needed to pass. There was much celebration and good will at that moment.
Two months later, your enacted grant was revoked. You requested that it be reinstated and that was denied. At this time I do not see a compelling reason why the DAO should grant you and your team $60,000.
I understand your concerns and I apologize for any confusion or misunderstandings that may have occurred with my previous grant proposal. I assure you that my team and I are committed to delivering quality work and meeting all of the necessary requirements for this new proposal.
While my previous grant was revoked, I am still fulfilling my duties and continuing to work on my projects and videos. I would also like to clarify that the previous grant was for personal reasons, while this one is a team effort. It wouldn’t be fair to punish the entire team for one honest mistake.
Regarding your request for a proposal with quality examples, a solid team, a clear timeline, and specific deliverables, I can assure you that we have all of those in place. We have a talented team with relevant experience and a clear plan for executing the project. We have also completed smaller projects in the past that demonstrate our capabilities.
I understand that there may be some hesitation given the previous grant revocation, but I hope you will consider our team and the potential we have to deliver a successful project. Thank you for your time and consideration.
Moving forward, I have spoken with @Zino personally and after that we have decided to apply for another grant to fund the development of our game as he advised us to do. I remain committed to delivering a high-quality game that meets the expectations of our community and the DAO.
I have no confusion nor misunderstanding. There were items you listed in your proposal that you did not deliver so your grant was revoked. Your past performance indicates whether or not you will deliver on promises made in future grant proposals. If you will be the person submitting the new proposal and will be the person managing the new project, my confidence is low that you will deliver a completed project.
I look forward to seeing a budget, timeline, team, and work samples.
Thank you for your feedback. Just to clarify, while I am involved in the Decentraland & Duel arena crossover project, my friend Buraggan is actually the lead of the main project. I am working closely with Decentraland because of my familiarity with the community and that’s why I’m representing the proposal. Nonetheless, I appreciate your interest and look forward to addressing any concerns you may have about the proposal.
make sure to read to proposal and see if you like it