by 0x9d98a62e4e5e8bb50d3ca916dc152cbc63f20105 (OasisArcade)
We apologize for the resubmission - the link to full text in the poll’s body turned out to be broken, making it entirely incoherent.
Greetings! We are Oasis Arcade team and we are making this community poll as a pre-proposal for our future grant request to listen to what Decentraland DAO and community have to say about our ideas.
We are a team of artists, developers and game designers aiming to bring unique and engaging play-and-earn experience to Decentraland. We have been a part of Decentraland community since the middle of June 2022, making games and wearables and bringing them to the community for free. Our development and planning started way back in early March, studying the SDK and Decentraland’s community in hopes to bring the best thing we could to the table.
Our dream was and still is to bring a complex play-and-earn ecosystem to Decentraland, bringing more adoption to the platform and increasing its DAU count and general popularity. We are firm believers in this project and have been funding Oasis Arcade out of our own pocket for more than 6 months, giving away more than 1200 wearables and more than 300 MANA in prizes. According to our statistics collection, we have had more than 8200 unique non-guest users visit our four parcels and earn over 4033241 arcade tickets.
You can join and check out the Arcade here
Aggressive bear market was a major hindrance for us, forcing us to take on different extra projects for other groups in order to keep afloat, slowing our work on Oasis. We understand that DAO is currently somewhat overwhelmed with the amount of grant proposals, so we would like to know if the community is interested in what we would like to bring to the table and approve funding for us to give 101% percent of our time to Oasis Arcade.
During our time working with Decentraland SDK we have faced many challenges and noticed other creators in the community face the same issues we did over and over - like lacking a streamlined library for minting wearables straight from the Scene to player’s wallet without requiring them to sign a message or visit a website. We have decided to start releasing tools that would improve experience for creators and developers in the community, starting with the Wearable Minting Kit we are currently working on releasing publicly on github, the very same as our scene uses. Doing this requires time and resources we would be much more comfortable dedicating if we had grant funding backing our work.
On the more substantial part of our grant request - our plans for building a new self-sustaining P2E ecosystem:
Our roadmap:
Our budget breakdown:
Our discord server:
- Submit for a grant request
- Rework, then submit
- Do not submit
- Invalid question/options