[DAO:6suxp4i] An Immersive In-World Marketplace Proposal

Keep in mind Decentraland is a worldwide community and there are cost of living differences across the globe. Within the US, a developer in Silicon Valley or NYC is going to cost more than a developer in rural Ohio. On a worldwide scale, a developer from the US is going to cost more than a developer from Romania. That’s just the way things are. Yet for some reason, plenty of companies still hire US-based developers when they could save money by offshoring the work to India or Romania or somewhere that could do it for less. As Archonomous stated elsewhere, cheaper does not always mean better.

Last Slice proposed a price that would make it worth it for our team to take on a fairly massive build with the consideration that the cost will be split among a large team of creative talent with a history of delivering quality work. Many of whom may actually be able to make more money putting their time toward some large corporate build that serves as an advertisement campaign or something, rather than a build that benefits the DCL community.

Trying to downplay the work involved and say we’re just implementing some library to bring sales in-world is either a misunderstanding of the scope, or deliberate dishonesty. There is no existing code library to allow for modular storefronts that could be rented or otherwise claimed by content creators, customized to their liking, and distributed throughout a scale of 400 parcels. The main effort here is not just 3D modeling or adding a Metamask call to complete a transaction in world. This proposal would essentially cover a new system of property management in a public space that to my knowledge does not currently exist in any capacity. And that’s just one aspect of what we’re proposing.


LOL You mean WHEN the proposal is approved.

I am curious about this too. I understand you are just designer/dev…but you obviously have ties to Amnesia team - please find out the answer to this question by referring back to your team and present us with a definitive answer. “Does Amnesia receive ongoing revenue from the scene?” Simple answer YES or NO. @gabrielmellace

@Archonomous @Roustan @Unknower

Would that mean that if last slice decides to hire devs from dubai then its okay that the project costs 10mm dolars and the dao shouldnt complain?

All of the team from novaworks is from argentina, same country where DCL headquarters are and most DCL devs are.

I repeat again, no one is against the idea, its just over priced and the same can be accomplish with less money and same quality.
And if 120k are for development and 120k are for mantainance of the scene, then separate the grant in two parts.

You should ask the people from amnesia,
We only developed the scene, not operate it.


That’s crazy that I literally guessed Argentina. Say no more. Far more ICE Poker chip dumpers from Argentina than US because, you guessed it, the cost of living is FAR less!

Last Slice listed the entire team. Most are from United States. The price is what it is.

It is NOT a fact that it is overpriced. That is just the PRICE!

No one is trying to sabotage anything,
This is not a valid argument against just expresing concerns about an overpriced proposal which is not the first time it happens here at DCL.

Ok see, here is the answer to your budget concern. The LastSlice team will not only design/develop, but keep it operating continuously for generations of DCL users to come.

Also, I don’t know what a 10 millimeter dolar is. And language barriers like that can cause issues with production.

No I agree, 240k would be a decent middle ground between 10 million and 120k.

But you have to apply the same logic in the other direction. If 240k is too much because someone in Argentina can do it for 120k, then maybe 120k is too much because some college student is willing to do it for ramen noodles and a portfolio piece.


I find your comment quite disgusting and it reflects the kind of persons on the team trying to get out with this scam

Thus, you were paid for design/development…not the upkeep. Which LastSlice team will do. Those are 2 very different very important roles. Actually operation and upkeep is much more valuable, you can submit and deploy the most fabulous wonderful build I’ve ever seen, but can you keep it fun and dynamic for years to come? That has value my friend.

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Oh yes?
Could you tell me how it will sustain over time if there arent any sources of revenue according to the plan?
Time = Infinite
Budget = Finite

Something doesnt add up

There it is! You have personal issues with members of the Last Slice team. Nice to hear you admit it. Now we can move on.


This is accounted for in the budget! That’s where your confusion lies.

What? I dont have any previous issues with no one at Last Slice team,

Im saying that YOU are a xenophobic person who just said that all argentinean persons are poor ICE poker players and chip dumpers which cannot deliver the same level of quality of a product than a US person.
While most of the devs at DCL are from argentina. Nice.

Let’s not get off track here, Lastraum will be hosting a twitter spaces August 26 @ 11am PST, please join in and we can discuss further

I did not say that at all. Do not put words in my mouth. It is a FACT that there are more chip dumpers in Argentina because there is more value in chip dumping in Argentina than there is in the United States because of the cost of living value. That is all. I highly respect Argentinian devs, ESPECIALLY the founders of Decentraland.

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We are not getting off track,
We are seeing real personalities pop out, and this is the kind of people on last slice team.