[DAO:60f98c9] Update #4 for proposal "Open Source SammichGame SDK7 +Community tools"

Author: 0xd3ac966f2c6eea11779407dcd674ef1ec76e6f07
Update Status: Late
Project Health: :yellow_circle: At Risk


On the last month the most important contribution has been the npm package that allows a dcl-sammich-screen to be integrated with any other scenes or games.
Besides this, from the feedback on the testing tuesday session, all issues have been fixing reaching a stable and playable version of the game instance


  • Issues from testing tuesday sessions were solved and reached an stable and playable version.
  • Component was released as NPM package (https://www.npmjs.com/package/dcl-sammich-screen) allowing it to be integrated in other games, scenes or building tools; we reached other projects like in-world-builder, virtual-land-manager or meta-residence-tower to support on integrating this component.
  • An streamer event was done with the community
  • We are overdue on estimated times but without any additional cost for the DAO, what is missing is an event, polish some issues on tournaments web-app and wrap everything in docker. We are not touching remaining funds until these points are complete.


The core of this project has a kind of SDK to create multiplayer games, finishing this part was more time consuming than expected but this is the most important part of the project, therefore we had a delay in other parts of the project. We are not touching remaining funds until these points are completed and we will publish another update once everything is completed.

Next steps

  • Polish and solve some issues in tournaments web-app.
  • Create an event for the community.
  • Wrap all server services into 1 docker setup.
  • Publish another last extra update to close the project.

Additional notes and links

npm: https://www.npmjs.com/package/dcl-sammich-screen

github: GitHub - sammich-dev/sammich-systems

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