[DAO:455552d] Toggle empty LAND parcels

by 0xb2223f4038def8a62a86e3c4b108cdfe00a74c4f (Chillin)

Similar to the profanity filter button.
Should we have buttons in the settings to help users skip through parcels.
For example, If the genesis/road/outdated settings are turned off then the user can easily explore actively developed SDK7 LAND…

We can have a toggles for:

No deployment / SDK6
On and off
(Skip over LANDs no longer in use)

On and off
(Skip over roads)

On and off
(No more genesis plaza on loading)

Recent Events
On and off
(Load the game and instantly be at the nearest active event.)

How it works:
Using the equation “LAND = MC²” to bring the lands closer together by greatest mass…
The settings can be overwritten by teleporting.

  • Yes
  • No
  • Invalid question/options

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You should post this on Canny (https://decentraland.canny.io/) if you are not used to it I can post it for you if you want.

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I am positive about flagging unactive parcels on the map and minimap. Flagging recent parcels is also a good idea which is already available on https://genesis.city . I am against disabling Genesis Plaza’s as they represent DAO at some point. I recommend browsing WORLD’s if you want a restricted experience. Browsing all parcels despite the content all in one session is what makes Decentraland unique, that should stay untouched.

Some people are tired of loading up in genesis…
Not hard to have a button to turn it off…

I added it :fire:
Now we need to think what else we can add to the settings :laughing:

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I kinda like the idea of separating the SDK6 and non-developed…
Just to browse some nostalgia :laughing:

This is a good idea, but it’s too late.
With client 2.0, SDK6 builds won’t show up anyways.

The Browser & all SDK6 builds will be 6ft. deep very soon :headstone:

I think the .glb/.gltf’s are transferred from SDK6 in the alpha…
So they will just have the old models but you can’t interact with them…

In the alpha testing sessions, SDK6-created scenes did not render at all and were flagged as SDK6. Maybe that’s not the final form, but I heard it was.

If they did still show, then I could see some toggles being useful. But at the same time, I’m expecting the new client to be able to handle things much better so old un-optimized scenes wouldn’t bother me as much.

Yh they were flagged as SDK6 but some of the SDK6 scenes loaded…
Those with simple models were transferred but some large builds weren’t…
I’m not 100% sure if all sdk6 scenes will be in the new client but I think they’re being processed to do so…
I’m like 80% sure though :laughing:

Voting Invalid as the formulation is a little too hard to read, there is punctuation missing, and in general it is really not clear what the suggested toggle would be intending to hide.
And you can’t just plop LAND = MC² in the text when that won’t be part of any of the engineering in the Proposal !

You can skip the loading of the Genesis Plaza with the (admittingly rather obfuscated) Set Home option that is accessible within the 3-dot menu in the mini-map box:

Toggle empty LAND parcels.

This proposal is now in status: FINISHED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 87% 510,693 VP (16 votes)
  • No 1% 3,520 VP (1 votes)
  • Invalid question/options 12% 70,370 VP (9 votes)