[DAO:3df3f76] [IMPLEMENTATION] Freeze All non-Platform Grant Spending

Chris? If you’re referring to Dr. Chris, let’s not overlook the fact that I’ve been in DCL much longer than him. :man_facepalming:t3:

I don’t know whose alt account you are, but you certainly aren’t using your only account.

Are you attempting to divert the discussion by suggesting I’m an alt account? I’m not familiar with your identity, but your account appears more like an alt account than mine. Let’s focus on the topic at hand.

The topic at hand is your desire to create a misleading narrative using an account no one can connect to either a Discord or Inworld account.

Who I am is pretty fucking obvious.

@NOTn0tjar0d I simply aim to highlight the evident facts.

This proposal in no way changes Fehz’s financial situation.

You are either intentionally spreading misinformation or stupid. Either way, you need to stop.

I wonder what you get in return for being this proposals lawyer? Were you paid? If yes, How much?

Just hoping that @esteban apologizes for accusing me of blackmail

Why are you seeking validation from esteban? or are you seeking to become the next 500k delegate after ckbubbles?

@Fehz sweetiee please dont hide behind @NOTn0tjar0d because you clearly voted on this proposal.

Change vote to abstain and I will leave the comments for good!

You know I like you and your work but if thats what bduge wants its better to save yourself the trouble!

Why do you suck him off and agree with me in the same text?

Ok Im out just do something with your life.

:clown_face::clown_face::clown_face::clown_face: clown

The title of the proposal is a little iffy …. As it sounds like ALL will be at a freeze

Till you scroll all the way DOWN
And read this

ONLY Governance Squad, Grant Support Squad, and Facilitation Squad will be eligible to apply in those categories for the remainder of 2024

But WHY ?

Why not freeze all like the title says …

That’s confusing to be honest. I don’t think it’s fair at all, and on top of that I thought voting on our own proposals is wrong ?

Something doesn’t seem right here.

I have so many questions, because I was in favor of this up until I see only certain people are allowed to continue to get funding

What about the creators ?
I was listening to your space last night
All I heard of this implementation is to deter the ‘bad actors’ away :thinking:

But this seems kinda shady. Just Reading this off the bat ( the wording, the small texts and information towards the end.

I’m not convinced, that’s the reason for the freeze.

I have questions
What is the use for a grant support squad with out grantees
What is facilitation squad facilitating
With no projects and a dead space because creators are the least important.

The bad actors lingo is lost it’s power in words cause people through these words around so frequently. So far everyone here is a bad actor and a scammer.

I really want to know the REAL reason WHY are doing this?

  • There are still grants, but they will be about working on the platforms and building tools rather than content. There is also bid & tendering still available for everything and every uses.
  • The DAO can still evolve while the content grants are frozen, working on VP, diversification of the treasury, organizing the DAO in more efficient ways, etc…
  • The space is already dead, despite the 13M USD of grants over the last few years, at some point we need to admit that content don’t bring users, or at least don’t retain them, as long as the platform itself is not ready. We are wasting money on content while the platform is not good.
    Just look at some streaming platform like Mixer, backed by Microsoft, which spent MILLIONS to get the most populars creators to stream there, and still failed in part because the platforms were not good.

Content grants, including yours, have no real impact on the number of users and “onboarding”, just look at your stats and be honest with yourself. I would be terribly discouraged by seeing that my events are doing this poorly, and it’s not primarily because of the events themselves, it’s because the platform is unstable and hard to use.
Let’s just stop wasting money on content for a while while making the platform easier to use, with better tools, better non-code builders, new clients with good performance, that don’t regularly crash and which don’t break scenes every weeks because of untested updates.


Interesting approach. Never heard of any platform doing well, without content. not in this lifetime Will any platform succeed without content,
Nobody here knows the repercussions of this.
You think this is going to make sense, you don’t actually know it’s going to work, and know if this is affective and do not know the future.

personally all grants should be frozen. Not just certain categories.

I knew you would spice it up and bring my own stuff into this… lol this is all personal opinion saying something isn’t working or not I don’t listen to this rubbish.

I’m going to talk to Esteban @esteban personally about this, cause the biggest obstacle right now are people doing and saying whatever they please and want.

This timing of this is horrendous, this is the time to have more content then ever before, we are in a market for the bitcoin halving. MANA will go up, we should have things to do and projects
Even if it’s for small amounts or a creator funds.


Sand is at .49 cents now giving away 1 million sand and if they have 200 creators that’s equivalent to 1 million dollars in funding for one project alone. Bringing users and creativity during the bull market.

If you wanted to freeze funding should have done it along time ago, which I thought was already done before … I didn’t see the benefits or how effective it was


The only nice thing Esteban has ever said to me was about supporting the freeze.

It should also be noted this is more like an amendment to the poorly written, but already passed, freeze that specified the facilitation squad would remain able to apply for grants.

Nothing about this prop will stop the ability to vote no on squad grants that are not promising adequate work

why not raise the VPs or doubled or triple instead freeze all the grant?