[DAO:3a7e575] [BID-0001] Waifugod aka AaronLeupp

by 0xa1d16f58c2066182a007bbfbacb7b22c0baf8067

Should funds from the DAO Treasury be allocated to finance a new community-led project addressing issues outlined herein?

Linked Tender Proposal

Decentraland DAO Headquarters


169 USD

Project duration

1 month

Delivery Date

Dec 25, 2023

Beneficiary address


Email address



Going to be just a blank field with a statue in the middle of my character standing on top of Tobik’s character as I defeated him in a boxing match. It will be this exact pose with boxing gloves and all but my foot will be on top of Tobiks defeated head. Yes my belly will be showing from under my shirt. We also will have a fountain in front of it and many Waifumon fairies flying around as well as Waifumon body pillows. DAO participants will be able to get free Waifumon nfts by clicking on tobiks head on all events. When Muhammad Ali knocked out Sonny Liston: The story behind the most famous image in sport

Roadmap and milestones

1 month to a yeaaaaar.

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

View this proposal on Snapshot

Cmon Aaron, did you have to make a joke proposal for the first ever bidding proposal for the DCL DAO?

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How can we get the top notch developer of weed farm robbery to bid?

I gotta appreciate the joke and vote yes :stuck_out_tongue: but you aint getting nothing @AaronLeupp ahahahha

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Waste of time as usual.

It wasn’t aaronleup himself btw :stuck_out_tongue:


You just used a double negative my friend. Which means @AaronLeupp is actually getting something?

I wonder who actually wrote this then lol?

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Might as well vote yes here so the overpriced bids don’t pass…


Was history just made?! HIS first YES vote?! Speechless

Also haha thanks @Billyteacoin and @InJesterr . And Billy right just like DJ khaled you played yourself injesterr.

I’m really sorry but @HPrivakos once contributed his vp to a 2D client proposal.

and they also never finished their project sadly.

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@AaronLeupp, I love the sense of humor but is @Tobik okay with being the other half to the statue? Voting to Abstain but I think we should lighten up a little. :smiling_face:

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haha thanks @DedHeadJ Yes @Tobik will defiantly be ok with this. In fact he has been the one has started the threats and idea of a fight between him and I. You can see here https://twitter.com/AaronLeupp/status/1674199747173969921
“I’m going to kick your ass”

All is good tho if he does not respond and this passes I will gladly to ask him in person and am sure it will result into a Yes then. Maybe at the Decentraland Summit I won’t let anyone know I am coming or there. Then out of nowhere a mysterious bartender at the event will put on a snorlax hat to reveal it was me all along. Only time will tell.

Also I agree with @Canessa and @maryana we should also be submitting blueprints as several submissions have not and I want to lead by example so here are mine. Hope it helps and convinces everyones No votes to Yes. Thank you all.


External Image

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let’s party Dec 25, 2023 :balloon: :tada: :confetti_ball: :piñata:

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[BID-0001] Waifugod aka AaronLeupp

This proposal is now in status: REJECTED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 21% 1,966,603 VP (12 votes)
  • No 68% 6,154,685 VP (31 votes)
  • Abstain 11% 1,019,792 VP (10 votes)