[DAO:3a62644] Update #4 for project "Facemoon: Enabling Decentraland's Next-Level Experience"

Author: 0xe339ebc7ec708bf42eed1b54a4df852312db2c5b
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: :green_circle: On Track


Welcome to the monthly update for the Unleashed Eras Festival in Decentraland, funded by Decentraland DAO. In June, we dove into the vibrant and revolutionary 1960s and are now gearing up for next month, which will be dedicated to the 1970s.


-Exhibitions and Events at Facemoon Gallery:

Artist Exhibitions: We organized exhibitions of two artists at Facemoon Gallery, giving attendees the opportunity to explore and appreciate NFT art in an immersive environment.

MetaMerch Launch Party: We celebrated the launch party of the new brand MetaMerch, collaborating with influencers in the crypto and web 3 space. This event was a huge success, attracting a diverse audience and generating excitement within the community.

Community Interaction: We continued with interactive activities during our events to encourage community participation. We held giveaways through Twitter and gave attendees an exclusive wearable inspired by 60s hippie fashion at our parties.

Music and Themes: Each event featured music characteristic of the 1960s, transporting attendees to this iconic decade with authentic ambiance. Additionally, we had live DJ performances at 4 of the 8 parties, offering a real-time musical experience.

-Events Held:

Total Events: In June, we hosted a total of 12 events, including 8 themed parties focused on the 60s and 4 movie screenings of films from the 1960s.
Promotion and Outreach:

Social Media: We intensified festival promotion through our social media channels, collaborating with influencers and creating engaging content to keep our audience informed and excited.

Collaborations: We closely worked with influencers in the crypto and web 3 space to expand our event reach and attract new participants.
Content Development:

Themed Scene: We created a themed scene set in the 1960s using SDK 7, featuring a building shaped like a hippie van for an immersive experience.



Next steps

70s Themed Events: In July, we will focus on the 1970s, continuing the spirit of the Unleashed Eras Festival. We plan exciting events that capture the essence of this era.
Promotion and Outreach: We will continue promoting our events on social media and other relevant channels to reach a broader audience and increase participation.
Content Development: We will keep developing content related to the 70s, including virtual scenes and wearables, to offer a unique and authentic experience.

Additional notes and links


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