[DAO:2e1cb6f] Should decentraland have its own universal time but it's based on colours?

It’s so simple, we will make it as typescript/decentraland compatible library soon:

…or if anyone wants to contribute with a Pull Request, it’s welcome :slight_smile:

Check https://hammertime.cyou/ for other formats and an easy tool to covert the time

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It’s ready to use.

To install in SDK scene:
npm install @ohmyverse/time-color -B

Example of use to show current time color:

import {getTimeColorHex} from '@ohmyverse/time-color';

const material = new Material();
material.albedoColor = Color3.FromHexString(`#${getTimeColorHex(new Date())}`)

const entity = new Entity();

entity.addComponent(new BoxShape());
entity.addComponent(new Transform({position:new Vector3(8,1,8)}));


Demo of all 23 hours, the color spectrum can still be changed:

P.S: it uses GitHub - anomal/RainbowVis-JS: A JavaScript library for colour data visualization. Easily map numbers to a smooth-transitioning colour legend. for definition of color from 0 to 100


spectrum like this? right now is green time for everyone on the world :slight_smile:

i’m voting no, but not because i think it’s dumb lol - i agree with @HPrivakos here that it will only serve to cause confusion. super interesting idea though!


UTC Colour and Shape Time.zip (53.0 KB)
here’s a zip of this file

People rather have a color scale instead of learning how timezones work. :rofl:


lmao! It’s more of an extra tool that can be used. What about people with dyscalculia, would be easier to know the colour and shape related to their time zone than working out or searching and remembering conversations.

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I’m down for more inclusion, but that would need to include different types of color blindness, no? In the end it would cause more confusion IMO.

that’s why there’s shapes inside the colour block!
I do think at first it is confusing but I see people getting times of events wrong all the time no matter what platform they’re using to promote it. I believe this is a fun way of separating the day into 12 segments without numbers.

pablo mentioned a 24hr clock, this is a quick ms paint job of what it could look like

I wish there was just a “No” voting option because this isn’t dumb. It’s an interesting concept. But would be confusing especially for new users.

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I think is really interesting, because with UTC and Local time, we always have to think on numbers and process the information, however the brain can learn colors for universal time without disturbing with the localtime numbers in the mind. But this is not just in decentraland, the idea can be applied to a smartwatch, or a led lamp in your room, etc.

“Good Purple Evening” everyone (purple is common for everyone, but evening my timezone)

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Existing and new users can still rely on conventional time zone conversions. This just adds a new branch of how we can collectively perceive time. Having a universal colour and shape for each slot of time in our day can lead to more fun connectivity with our interactions. Our experience of time would be the same language, we wont need to translate with a minus 5 or a minus 6 just to relay basic info and still get confused with daylight saving times etc.

Green morning everyone.
Just changed the library removing the dependency of rainbowvis.js ,
the color for time is just the hsl ( Hue, Saturation, Lightness ) function where the Hue goes from 0 to 360, I think it’s the more natural approach to establish a standard.

Here with names using https://www.thecolorapi.com/ , the only problem I find is that there are color names repeated and shown the closer like 17 - Blue #4000ff, this one is " Electric Ultramarine" based on https://www.color-name.com/hex/4000ff


Love the exploration, but I’m on the side of removing barriers and making Decentraland accessible to everyone. A time converter on the Places and Events page, an in-world clock, and notifications of events that are about to start are some ideas that could solve this problem without having to introduce a new concept to users.

I am voting yes because this is a Poll, and it is an interesting concept. It does introduce another confusing thing to learn when entering DCL as a new user, but you seem to be on to something and you take feedback very well. I would like to see what you can develop with community feedback guiding you and the team. It is a nice step toward something that is needed to help alleviate the time zone confusions for lots of us. Good luck!

Green morning (green for everyone , morning for my local time)
I think it doesn’t hurt to have a smart-item clock for anyone that wants to use it. So this doesn’t really need an approval it just need consensus to define a standard and people can use it or not.

to install library:
npm install @ohmyverse/time-color -B

Snippet code:

import {getTimeColorHex, getColorNameFromDate} from "@ohmyverse/time-color";

const entity = new Entity();
createUTCColorClock(entity, {position:new Vector3(8,1,8), rotation:Quaternion.Zero()});

function createUTCColorClock (parent, {position, rotation}){
    const textEntity = new Entity();
    const textShape = new TextShape();
    textEntity.addComponent(new Transform({
    textShape.fontSize = 3;

    const handler = new Entity();
    handler.addComponent(new BoxShape());
    const material = new Material();
    material.albedoColor = new Color4(0,0,0,0);
    handler.addComponent(new Transform({
        scale:new Vector3(2,1,1)
    handler.addComponent(new OnPointerDown(()=>{
    },{hoverText:"UTC Time color"}))

    function refresh(){
        const d = new Date();
        textShape.value = `${getColorNameFromDate(d)}<br><b>${d.getUTCHours().toString().padStart(2,"0")}:${d.getUTCMinutes().toString().padStart(2,"0")} UTC</b>`;
        textShape.color = Color3.FromHexString(`#${getTimeColorHex(d)}`);
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Great idea! during MVMF22 we found it difficult to co-ordinate events at 6pm for each timezone UTC, EST, PST - colours would have solved this!