by 0xc82fd31500576f394b59be3b10c154b584ea6004 (ShelleyVan)
Should the following $120,000 grant in the In-World Content category be approved?
The TRU Band Room (TRU), under the management of Shelley VanWitzenburg (ShelleyVan), is the premier music venue in Decentraland (DCL) for new and emerging independent artists. Since October 2021, ShelleyVan has onboarded over 125 artists and showcased more than 500 live events, drawing thousands of music lovers to DCL. Many of the most-recognizable performers in DCL got their start at TRU. As a proven leader and community builder, ShelleyVan and TRU are seeking DAO funding to cover retroactive expenses and expand and improve operations, including further development of partnerships and co-marketing to amplify promotional efforts of the entire DCL ecosystem—with user growth and retention remaining top of agenda.
Grant size
120,000 USD
Beneficiary address
Email address
ShelleyVan has over 12 years of experience in SEO and online content creation, partnering with brands such as Disney, KIA, and Xcaret Properties. During her time managing TRU, many highly successful musicians and DJs in DCL have made their metaverse debut here, including Bufalo, Mr.Swe, DJ T-Rax, Jack Frost, Pan’s DJ, Coconut Sunday, The Musical Doc, and Ash Orphan. During the last year, she has maintained a consistent schedule of live performances, averaging five to ten shows per week, and has developed a comprehensive DCL onboarding experience.
In addition to managing the live performances, ShelleyVan spends a considerable amount of time onboarding artists and providing tech support, including soundchecks and web3/NFT consultation. With additional funding, a structure will be developed which allows ShelleyVan to expand the onboarding experience to larger communities. To achieve this goal, multimedia resources will be developed, including video courses, one-page guides, social media content, and SEO blog articles targeting specific web3/metaverse keywords to capture new audiences.
As co-founder of Songbird Collective, a digital marketing agency, ShelleyVan has developed partnerships and relationships with a large number of web2 social media influencers, who have yet to experience web3 or the metaverse. The expansion of onboarding will include targeting those influencers with established, engaged audiences to accelerate DCL user growth and retention objectives.
Also, building on existing Decentraland partnerships, ShelleyVan/TRU will expand co-marketing and promotional opportunities with other DCL venues and projects. During the last year, TRU has partnered with casa Roustan, Dollhouse, Cromuland/YouMack, Sugar Club, and MetaParty to amplify promotional content for events. This co-marketing has helped achieve increased attendance and user retention by promoting a multi-venue schedule of events. An expansion of TRU operations will increase the opportunity to plan and execute larger and more frequent multi-venue events–aligning with strategic objectives to increase DCL user growth.
Examples of Community Experiences:
The TRU Stage at Decentraland Metaverse Music Festival ran 31 shows in 4 days, hosting independent musicians from all over the world
Connecting the [POI] Stars:
Community line-up between casa Roustan and TRU Band Room to connect the dots on the map
ShelleyVan to attend IRL Events -
NFT LA - confirmed
The TRU proprietary attendance token system has already airdropped tokens to nearly 2,000 Decentraland users since May 1st 2022.
November 2, 2022 - Introduced AI-Generated SHOAP Art
In collaboration with the performing artist, AI-generated artwork is used for the token, creating a truly unique memento for attendees.
Budget Specification
In addition to maintaining an aggressive calendar of events, TRU Band Room will expand their onboarding experience to music, NFT, and web2 communities. Currently, Band Room activities require nearly 60 hours of work per week. The expanded TRU operation, under the management of ShelleyVan/Songbird Collective, will utilize the following to achieve an increase in event attendance and improve user retention:
Build SEO and content strategy to establish pillar articles focusing on DCL–-all supporting content will link back to these pillar articles. Examples of pillar topics include technical requirements, web3 safety, and comprehensive DCL user guide.
LIVE DCL onboarding boot camps held at least monthly, targeting already established communities and individual new users.
-Continue to support independent musicians’ success in DCL, offering a free stage for them to market their work and find their footing with superior quality sound/video capabilities in DCL
-Continue running 6+ live events per week (recent attendance on parcel ranges between 30-100 visitors)
-Continue using and improving proprietary attendance token airdrop system to draw new users (free NFT airdropped to all who attend shows in DCL)
-Quarterly festival-style events (multi-venue when possible)
To address the elephant in the room: Yes, The Rocking Uniquehorns is an NFT project. So far, all the revenue that was generated was either used to directly support independent artists or to fund the building, land rental, marketing & operational costs associated with the TRU Band Room in Decentraland.
It was never a typical NFT project with the intention of selling out fast and catering to the trading part of the web3 user base. It was designed as a slow mint from the very beginning, so that it allows people to see and experience what we’re about and have a way of showing their support for our mission of bringing music to the metaverse, by minting a TRU. We absolutely love the community we’re building this way and this will be the way we continue to run that part of the project.
That being said, if for whatever reason the minting pace picks up (wen bull? ) and we happen to mint out the collection, we’re more than happy to pay it forward or repay this grant.
To help cover some of the costs of the last year+ of event hosting, server fees, outsourced building, etc. TRU is requesting a retroactive amount of $60,000 and an additional $60,000 for the next year.
See full budget breakdown here:
Business Websites:
Songbird Collective:
Software Brauerei:
Writing example: Metaverse Hotspot: Paul Roustan Keeps Building in Decentraland | Blockster
Domenic Benz (UniKorn):
Co-founder of digital agency Software Brauerei AG in Switzerland. 20+ years of experience in software & digital product development.
Roadmap and milestones
Oct 31, 2021 - Feb 28, 2023: hosted over 500 live events, onboarded over 125 musicians, which resulted in nearly 2000 unique event attendees (this number only reflects May 1, 2022-Feb 2023, we do not have an accurate count of users prior to that date)
March 2023 - March 2024: 300+ live events, onboard an additional 50+ musicians new to DCL, and provide an immersive introduction to 10+ high-value web2 influencers
We will provide monthly updates here to include:
Number of events hosted at TRU
Links to online content created (blog articles, YouTube videos)
Links to any newly onboarded artists, influencers, users