Collection 'WHATSTHEMINIMUM ACCESSIORES' created by alekssupernova is ready for review!

Hey, please adjust to the correct height for both male and female. Also some gaps like before. make sure to connect the vertices and merge them to fix that. Chain has to be lifted up and made bigger to avoid clipping on the female

sorry man but i feel like something is wrong, this is going on since weeks and it feels like iam doing wearables for the white house.
u never tell me all in one what is wrong. first it was only the jacket cause the chain was okay, then did after 4 times trying another jacket and now its both again.

when i test in world (see attached files) all works out!

so 2 days no answer?
can another admin jump on this please? or just send me my mana back

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Hey, if you dont tag or respond to my messages I can’t see the responses because they get lost on the forum. Checking now

Collection approved… wasn’t so hard after all, right? hahah

we did it! yaaaaaaay

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