We need to stop this ASAP

When we are going to stop the DAO drainers?

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Typing…Well you know.


Why wait and post stats for one specific moment instead of accurate averages?
Even on your screenshot there is a number showing monthly visits but instead you go with the active users at the specific moment…


I can post a lot more, @Yannakis. Not only this picture or other stats. HUGE info leak coming soon.


This is an incredibly flawed way of measuring the value of a grant given for game development.

If you want to argue that these games were a waste of money you need to argue that they are not fun and have not developed a core game loop that anyone would be able to enjoy. Or you need to argue they have not implemented or innovated in ways that display the potential of DCL prior to their existence.

Holding game devs accountable for the onboarding of new users is misplaced frustration.

These games are not being funded because they are going to single handedly save DCL’s DAU, they are being funded because during the last bull market when people were flocking to Decentraland, once they finished mining at WonderZone they didn’t have anything else to do.


Actually its a problem that the devs can’t deliver. Also very soon we’re going to see proposals asking money to upgrade their DEAD projects to sdk7. Enough OGs left decentraland because of poo projects with huge grants which deliver nothing. So instead of onboarding people, we can see offboarding.

The DAO is bleeding and this reflects to the platform.