Resubmit requested changes to wearable

I got feedback from my reviewer and the request was to submit the female model. I have the female model in a separate file. How do I resubmit?


Go into the published item collection, then click the existing item. From there reupload male version and select male in the description then go back to collection > item description > top right is a drop down to add female representation!

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I just don’t see it. I don’t see how to add the female version to the submission without removing the male. When I change it to female and reupload, All I have is the female version. Not sure how to get the male and female in one “package”

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Totally, it’s a bit hard to find so not you haha
I wasn’t on my comp when I replied so now I can take some screenshots.

In builder select the gender:

Go back to collection then select the item:

Then in this page top right is a little drop down menu~

It’s only because your collection is already published the ‘add representation’ option is gone from builder.
Let me know how you go @fhifly !


Yes, it was the “Add female representation” button I was missing. Thanks for the support!