Help please tried converting Polygon MANA into ETH Mana

Help please tried converting Polygon MANA into ETH Mana using the swap feature on

The transaction says over 58,916 confirmations and yet it is stuck pending forever infinitely and I never received my ETH mana in return, also my Polygon MANA was removed from my account. This must be a glitch! I need someone to help please, as I need my MANA back whether it be in ETH mana or Polygon MANA just want it back.

Transaction Hash:

ETH Recieve MANA address same as The address I used to swap with: 0x63948F87aeF43558369aAf9e526201824052985F

All my MANA balance of 100 MANA disappeared. I cant find any support who can refund this MANA not fair it just vanished.

Nevermind, I had to use Metamask, Trust wallet is the reason I was stuck. This is fixed, this topic can be closed/deleted

I am stuck converting mana to polygon mana, usually it only takes about 15-30 minutes and now it has been 20 hours and it is stuck there :S what did you did exactly to recover your mana? can i cancel the swap or something?