[DAO: QmT2N2v] Take our music focused district and virtual record store to the next level

by 0x9405cf5bde70bb78c0ddf1425aed6a2f110fc733 (Euterpe#c733)

Should the following Tier 3: up to a 3 month vesting contract of $3000 - $5000 USD in MANA, with a one month cliff grant in the Content Creator category be approved?


Project presentation: uno+uno_VMD_Grant.pdf - Google Drive

We are UNO+UNO, a creators hub that wishes to build a virtual music district with multiple stores where NFT artists can sell their music and fans can experience virtual “crate digging”, discovering new songs and artists as used to be done in music stores. The district wants to serve the community as a platform for gatherings, events, and anything related to the world ofNFT music.

Grant size

5,000 USD

Beneficiary address



We aim to create a commercial and cultural virtual meeting district within Decentraland, where users can listen, buy and sell NFT music, and interact with other music diggers and creators on the platform.
Our music district will develop an unified aesthetic and vision that can host different stores, interactive activities and services associated with music in the NFT world. We believe that by offering a diverse line-up of genres we will contribute to a maximum appeal and attraction towards the metaverse.

Please refer to our presentation for further detail:


We are already building the first area of our 34 lands district, however due to the extension of the project and the quality we aim to achieve we need the resources to deliver a workup to our standards.
The grant will be used for developing stages 2 and 3 of the district as presented on the attached document. Funds will be invested in architecture, design and 3d modeling.
Please feel free to monitor our progress at (40,44)

Please refer to our presentation for further detail on blue prints, stages and workflow:


UNO+UNO - https://unomasuno.uno/

Roadmap and milestones

We have planned a 3 stages project development:

+Over the first month we will use the GRANT funds to build the textures, relief and vegetation of stage 2 and 3 of our district.

+We will spend the second month designing and modelling auxiliary buildings and landscaping.

+Finally we plan to model and deploy an open air venue during the last month of the project. At this point we will consider as the first stage of the district to be fulfilled.

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

View this proposal on Snapshot

Do you plan to use your music district to generate revenue?

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Hey Morris, thanks for the question.

At the moment we are fully dedicated to the design and modeling of the district, exploring the possibilities of mixing interior design, landscaping, architecture and virtuality.

However, we do see the potential of bringing commercial options for artists and labels in our district and record store for scalability and sustainability reasons. From NFT sales to release events, the options are endless.

Please do have in mind that our venue is focused for “open air” and free, community focused events and gigs.