Author: 0xc2877b05cfe462e585fe3de8046f7528998af6f1
Update Status: On Time
Project Health: On Track
Documentation Released & Open Source Complete
- Documentation on how to install and use Virtual Land Manager in your SDK 6 scene has been released at
- Integration library has been open sourced here under Apache 2.0: GitHub - virtuallandmanager/vlm-dcl: Virtual Land Manager integration for Decentraland scenes
- UI, API, and Docs, and all other public libraries have been open sourced here under GPL-3.0:
Virtual Land Manager · GitHub
Right now there are no blockers to speak of. The issue with Colyseus described in the previous update was resolved with the help of its creator, Endel.
Next steps
The remaining deliverables for this grant are:
- Un-hiding of the “Sounds” feature - just needs better documentation
- Completion of the UI for the events & giveaways feature of VLM
- Completion of the UI for sharing access to scenes with other users
- Completion of the Media Library UI for sharing image and video assets across scenes
- Release of an integration package compatible with SDK 7 (added to the scope of this proposal after determining the amount of work that this will take)
These are on track to be complete by the end of September if no unforeseen challenges come up. If there are deliverables still being worked on at the end of September then I will pause on withdrawing any further grant funds until they are complete.
Additional notes and links
Main Website:
Open Source Repos: Virtual Land Manager · GitHub
Discord Server: Virtual Land Manager