by 0x1b35f4d22b2c8bc706bcfcc383a1ca77fb4fc600 (punkpink)
Should funds from the DAO Treasury be allocated to finance a new community-led project addressing issues outlined herein?
Linked Pitch Proposal
Should repos/tools/material be indexed in the DCL documentation?
It was initially proposed in a survey and later in a pitch proposal to incorporate a section in the Decentraland documentation that links to the resources financed by the DAO, both proposals were accepted so that the next phase for Tender begins.
Are we in favor of someone doing a research process to find all the resources funded at some point by the Decentraland DAO and creating a section at Let’s build the metaverse together | Decentraland Documentation through a pull request on Github indexing all of these resources with a title, description, creator contact information and the URL of the resource?
Problem Statement
A substantial amount of user-oriented material has been published, which can be quite difficult to locate. Within the initiatives funded by DAO, there are repositories and tools of important value. However, these resources often remain elusive, so they are largely undiscovered by new users.
Technical Specification
Create a section at Let’s build the metaverse together | Decentraland Documentation which will be published via a pull request at
This section should be an index of at least 90% of all resources created and funded by the Decentraland DAO, such as repositories or tools.
I indicate 90% because I imagine that there will be outdated resources that may not be useful today on the platform and must be dispensed with.
This section would include for each resource: a title, a brief description, contact information for the creator, and the URL of the created/published tool, repository, or resources.
Use Cases
By making visible all these projects that the DAO has funded in the past, we not only recover material of great value for current users but also make resources available to new users that they will not be able to find easily.
This proposal aims to facilitate access to existing resources for new users.
To complete this task, the following tasks must be performed:
Pull request at for at least 90% of the resources funded by the DAO.
Clear structure that adapts to the left column of the Let’s build the metaverse together | Decentraland Documentation section (where the resource index section mentioned will be included).
Rectification of faults in the event that the person in charge of approving the pull request requires it.
Target Release Quarter
2024 Q1