[DAO:cbb516e] Remove the location -54,34 from the Points of Interest

by 0x0749d1abb5ca9128432b612644c0ea1e9c6cc9af (ALPHAANGELS)


Should the scene located at -54,34 be removed from the Point of Interest list?


I would like POIs that are not active or hosting at least one event a month to be removed.

A lot of Points Of Interest have been earned by the promise they would be giving back to the community.

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

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I’m voting Yes to remove this POI. I’m unsure how this even became a POI to be honest. The gallery seems pretty empty and hasnt had any activity that I’ve heard of in the last year.


Agreed, i am very confused as well to be honest!

I believe we should remove this POI and if they are interested in being active within the community they can reapply…

Thank you for voting and sharing your feedback :slight_smile:

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Remove the location -54,34 from the Points of Interest

This proposal is now in status: PASSED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 100% 1,979,319 VP (46 votes)
  • No 0% 0 VP (0 votes)

Remove the location -54,34 from the Points of Interest

This proposal has been ENACTED by a DAO Committee Member (0xfe91c0c482e09600f2d1dbca10fd705bc6de60bc)