[DAO:cb599ab] Moderation Handover

by 0x5b5cc427c1d81db4f94de4d51d85ce122d63e244 (Fehz)

Should the problem/opportunity outlined be refined and taken to the next level?

Problem Statement

As we continue to evolve into a more cohesive and active community we believe it’s time to re-think some of the key roles within the DAO while keeping a welcoming and safe environment that brings the best out of all members. In that spirit, we are proposing a new strategy for moderation.

Over the past year, many efforts have been done towards this end, being the Code of Ethics our most tangible outcome. The CoE sets the bar for how we want to address our disputes and the minimum level of respect required to jump into any debate. This is not capricious, it’s a statement of core principles that we stand for and that require monitoring and gatekeeping.

Naturally, this task comes with the responsibility of imparting disciplinary actions when required and this is something not to be taken lightly. Although guidelines and principles are stated, there’s judgment calls to be made in every action in order not to escalate or roadblock a valid exchange. Although this sense of righteousness of the moderation role is often perceived as partial or biased, it’s something inherent to the activity but that stills demands for enhancements and afterthoughts.

Proposed Solution

That’s why we are proposing to open the moderation role and transition this vital position to the most apt and willing in order to renew energies and bring fresh air and ideas. To this end we propose to create a new moderation team focused on managing the Code of Ethics application within our DAO ecosystem.

After the Facilitation Squad grant is over the appropriate onboarding to the selected team will be done. This will include granting required permissions, status and walkthrough tools and processes. Once the knowledge sharing is concluded, the new team will be fully operative in its functions.

Target Audience/Customer Base

Decentraland DAO Community + Stakeholders: Need for effective moderation that balance the needs of the community while upholding the principles of decentralization, user empowerment, and inclusivity.

Why is this relevant now?

  • Plurality: Opening the role to the community gives the chance for new perspectives to arise and secure a free-speech environment within the voted guidelines.
  • Avoid stalling: Allowing new initiatives and enhancements to come from a new team with a fresh start.
  • Timing: The community has grown and learned over this time, gaining some shared coexistence principles that have led us to this point.
  • Transition: The new moderation team will start in its functions by the time the Facilitation Squad ends its grant, allowing a smooth transition and ensuring independence.

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

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I’m voting no because it had too many words. Does all this Shakespear poetry just mean create a new team to censor? So many words and I didn’t see where it compares to what is currently in place, what the problems are with what’s in place or expected costs/savings for the change.

Moderation Handover

This proposal is now in status: PASSED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 98% 5,513,189 VP (58 votes)
  • No 1% 6,572 VP (5 votes)
  • Abstain 1% 16,237 VP (15 votes)