by 0xd4f1cab694c4424c4796549edbb9b489789f4df5 (TudaMoon)
Currently, you only need one (1) proposal to get a grant approved, but you need three (3) to revoke a malicious grant. Currently, we have a Grant Support Squad and a Revocations Committee implemented by the DAO. These current processes are NOT permanent solutions as they must be re-enacted by the DAO in order to continue. The DAO always has the ability to make the final decisions over grants; whether it means overriding the GSS or Revocations Committee through a DAO proposal, or bypassing the GSS or Revocations Committee through a DAO proposal.
The current problem with the DAO proposal for grant revocations or overriding GSS or Revocations Committee’s decisions is that it takes way too much time before a grant’s vesting contract is paused. Three (3) proposals takes too long while the DAO funds have potential to be drained.
Create a new proposal Category for DAO called Grant Revocation.
This new Category would come with a new process of revocation.
Part 1: First round of Voting
The first round of voting will site the grant in question and place it up for revocation proceedings. If the first round of voting, the grant in question is chosen to be revoked, the vesting contract would be paused for the grant in question.
Then this proceeding is moved to Part 2.
Part 2: Grant Support Squad and the Revocation Committee
Both, the Grant Support Squad and the Revocation Committee will put the grant in question up for revocation review. Both the Grant Support Squad and the Revocations Committee will then do research to determine whether the grant is revoked or not revoked as individual groups.
Before each group decides, the Grant Support Squad and the Revocations Committee will share any gathered information, evidence provided, discussions on the forum, updates and more to determine if the grant should or should not be revoked. Both groups will individually have 14 days total to decide on the outcome and must give a public update on their ruling/decision.
If an extension of time is needed by either group, they each are given a chance for a 1-time 14-day extension. The grant’s vesting contract will remain paused until the final deadline is lapsed or until they both give their final decisions. If either group’s decision is to revoke the grant in question, the grant’s vesting contract funds will be released back to the DAO funds.
Only one of the 2 groups decisions needs to be to revoke the grant for the grant in question to be revoked.
For example, If the Grant Support Squad chooses to revoke the grant, but the Revocations chooses to keep the grant going, then the final decision is still to be revoked. Visa Versa. They are NOT required to come to the same decision. It only takes one of the groups to come to that decision.
If the grant in question is chosen to be revoked, this will be the final decision and there is no need to move forward with Part 3. However, if both groups choose to allow the grant to continue, then the DAO members can choose to move to Part 3.
Part 3: Overriding Decisions
If the DAO chooses to override the Grant Report Squad’s and Revocation Committee’s decisions to allow the grant to continue, the DAO must do two (2) more rounds of voting. During this time, the grant’s vesting contract will be un-paused and will resume as it was. However, if the second round of voting chooses to revoke (first round of voting for Part 2) the grant’s vesting contract will pause until the final round of voting is complete.
If the second round of voting chooses to revoke, the third round of voting must begin within 28 days total from the date of the completed second round of voting. If no third round of voting is initiated by the 28 days, this proceeding is dissolved and the vesting contract for the grant in question will be un-paused and resume.
If the final (third) round of voting chooses to revoke the grant in question, the grant’s vesting contract funds will be released back to the DAO funds.
- Part 3 cannot override decisions to revoke. Once a grant is revoked, in Part 2, then that is the final decision.
- Part 3 the final round of voting (third total round) is final decision.
- Grant Seekers can propose a new grant to finish their revoked grant if they choose, through a new traditional grant proposal.
- This proceeding and new category does NOT prevent the same grant from being up for revocation at another time.
- There can only be one (1) revocation proceeding per grant in question at a time. However, there can be multiple revocation proceedings at a time, just not for the same grant.
Voting ‘For’ on this pre-poll means that you are in favor of creating this new Revocation Category with new procedures.
- For
- Against
- Invalid question/options