[DAO:988285c] (Karen Act) Make Esteban Leader or give all high VP Whales a portion of the Revenue on top of DAO... here me out lol

interesting. i didn’t know what that word meant and looked it up. i think we need checks and balances not necessarily a meeting every time something is decided. like a supreme court or Karen court. where someone working for Decentraland or DCL DAO is enforcing rules that are not written then it can be sent to judgment for veto by that court. After your last twitter space I have learned this has not only happend to me but others like GoldGuy and JTV alone and this can create friction for future revenue and customers that want to continue to contribute funds to Decentralands cause but are met with resistance and confusion. Why I nominated you as our Karen but you declined understandably lol. Just need someone incentivized to enforce the written rules and only those rules otherwise no point of us writing them and 2. someone or a group incentivized on the future growth and revenue growth of Decentraland like modern day companies that succeed.

Originally I was against all this and wish this could just be Decentralized where we can submit anything and there is no rules to stay true to our name (Decentraland) can see I pitched back in June 2021

but yet here we are people given power to enforce rules that they make up at the moment based on biased opinions of each enforcer. And you can’t blame them since they just doing what they think there job they are getting paid for is lol. Think this will not only help the people that spend money to get wearables created but also help the approvers/enforces make there jobs easier as well so they can approve more wearables faster. so win win.