[DAO:1405292] Add two more DAO Council positions4 ToxicWaifu& Canessa or Community Ambassadors

by 0x37f00ec67d68c2d3c662339c183d37403c36f28e (AaronLeupp#f28e)

Congrats to the 5 that got the 6 million VP from the whales to qualify for the DAO Council! jungle, estaban, maryana, carl, metaryu got the 6 million VP at the time writing this. Would like to have at a couple in position that are also active in Decentraland if possible as well, and even tho some of the other canadeits that also didn’t get the VP were great as well I think we can all agree these two would be perfect for these positions. Same pay and same everything if possible. Open to all ideas.

Also if they do not concent to this nomination or request I will also be down to take it down. This is just an idea. Thanks either way for everyones activity and engagment!

  • Yes
  • No
  • Invalid question/options

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While I don’t always agree with Aaron, I think the spirit of this governance is coming from a place I agree with (Canessa and Toxic are great people and would represent the community admirably)

I also think there are still 20 days left to vote on the positions, and there are lots of whales who don’t come out to vote often but could certainly come out to swing the outcome of these votes still and we should let the agreed upon voting play out before we try and subvert it.

Besides, the whales who have already participated will probably just shut this idea down anyway.

But I’m totally in support of any Pro Canessa or Pro Toxic-based governance

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Yes I agree. However we can’t post something like this for a community vote anymore after the council is voted in tho right? So you could be right things can change but this is just a draft so we can at least advance it if things are the same right since it is being posted before DAO Council is formed? Thanks for your feedback either way.

Thank you for taking the time to create this Aaron :pray: I appreciate that you would think that Toxic and I are worthy of such a proposal.

I have to trust the process of the DAO, and will actively support the candidates that our voters deem worthy of this task. :mechanical_arm:

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1000% agree, and will defiantly be doing the same @Canessa ! :saluting_face: :orange_heart:

Hi @AaronLeupp you are a sweet soul, this is so kind of you to want to add others to the committee, but I believe it is an invalid request.

Add two more DAO Council positions4 ToxicWaifu& Canessa or Community Ambassadors

This proposal is now in status: FINISHED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes 88% 551,979 VP (16 votes)
  • No 3% 22,564 VP (11 votes)
  • Invalid question/options 9% 61,484 VP (6 votes)

Add two more DAO Council positions4 ToxicWaifu& Canessa or Community Ambassadors

This proposal has been PASSED by a DAO Committee Member (0xfb1afa4dc069ffb47b19dbee196045d508fcd5a2)