[DAO:80c7420] Should we change the direction of comment posting?

by 0x1b35f4d22b2c8bc706bcfcc383a1ca77fb4fc600 (punkpink)

The comment box for proposals in the DAO currently displays older comments at the top and accumulates newer comments below. This top-to-bottom publication order can be exploited by malicious actors to manipulate the opinion on a proposal by preparing comments and posting them right after the proposal is published with the intention of hiding subsequent comments, thereby nullifying or diminishing the impact of later opinions. By changing the direction in which comments are published, we can:

  • Prevent malicious actors from manipulating the general opinion of the proposals through pre-designed comments.
  • Make visible the opinions of other users who commented later.
  • Yes, change the direction of publication.
  • No, leave it as it is.
  • Invalid question/options

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

View this proposal on Snapshot

Should we change the direction of comment posting?

This proposal is now in status: FINISHED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes, change the direction of publication. 79% 2,598,937 VP (23 votes)
  • No, leave it as it is. 20% 683,976 VP (16 votes)
  • Invalid question/options 1% 16,202 VP (1 votes)

Hi @PunkPink! As we stated several times, the best way to provide feedback regarding improvements or new features to the Governance dApp is to reach out directly to our squad (Governance Squad) via Discord, adding the piece of feedback in Canny or creating an issue in our repo. I went ahead and added this as an issue in Github, here’s the link so you can check it out: Custom sorting for comments · Issue #1794 · decentraland/governance · GitHub

Hey @PunkPink . Such changes require community sentiment through DAO voting but not through Canny, in which everyone with email/fb acc can post request. Lets no make DCL DAO ceremonial.

Thanks for doing it @ginoct, I published the poll because this change has a certain implication on the voting results, for the improvements of the DCL I continue using Canny.

Thanks for your comments.

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Should we change the direction of comment posting?

This proposal has been PASSED by a DAO Committee Member (0xfb1afa4dc069ffb47b19dbee196045d508fcd5a2)