[DAO:7f84db7] Enable DARK MODE on all Decentraland webpages

by 0x1d7886346175e34c614b71d0e2369c7f0e350d07 (BaconGrease)

Should all Decentraland webpages have the ability to enable DARK MODE?

The Marketplace is beautiful in dark mode, but when I come to DAO the blinding white light makes me squint. There is no valid reason why webpages cannot enable dark mode.

I could list the normal excuses like power reduction, better sleep, etc, but it simply boils down to annoyance in my case, the blinding light transition from dark pages to super bright white pages sucks.

  • YES - all DCL pages should be dark mode
  • NO - keep things like they are
  • Invalid question/options

Vote on this proposal on the Decentraland DAO

View this proposal on Snapshot

This is the same browser, you can see the difference.

There is an alternative solution if you really prefer Dark mode. There’s a browser plugin called Night Eye which works very well across most websites. Here’s the look for a Dark mode at the Governance page

Interesting, thanks for idea. It just sucks that I have to install a new plug-in for this.

Not to mention it causes problems like this…haha…we need dark mode from the DAO side.

Enable DARK MODE on all Decentraland webpages.

This proposal is now in status: FINISHED.

Voting Results:

  • Yes - all dcl pages should be dark mode 99% 6,464,066 VP (72 votes)
  • No - keep things like they are 0% 0 VP (1 votes)
  • Invalid question/options 1% 1,460 VP (2 votes)

Enable DARK MODE on all Decentraland webpages.

This proposal has been PASSED by a DAO Committee Member (0xfb1afa4dc069ffb47b19dbee196045d508fcd5a2)

How many more times do we have to vote and ask for Dark Mode before it happens?